The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

It’s just plain wrong that most white people are good people. Sorry if that’s uncomfortable for anyone but they’ve been voting for all the racism since forever.

Are we talking about all the white people or just the American ones?

Well, the ones that vote anyway.


If you truly think most people of any racial group are bad, that says more about how you view the world as a pessimist than anything else. Which I suppose doesn’t mean you’re necessarily wrong, but it is concerning. Hard to live happily when you see the world that way.

Well if I shouldn’t construe it as indifference…that really only leaves one other choice…


Another way of saying this is that you have to be either delusional or willfully ignorant to be happy. There seem to be some unicorns who successfully cling to gratitude in spite of it all but I’m trying my best to just check out.

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They staunchly oppose the new laws but don’t want to hurt the innocent Georgians who rely on the golf economy?

The PGA Tour has absolutely nothing to do with the Masters. It is independently run by Augusta National.

No that’s not what I mean by that post. I strongly disagree with your assessment of humanity and white people, but it’s not like either of us have much beyond our feelings which are shaped by our experiences. I don’t think there’s some sort of fact based pattern to assess and come to some sort of conclusion. Hell I could be completely wrong.

I just find your point of view profoundly sad. Not in a judging you for being sad thing, more of a sympathy to what your experiences have been. Maybe I’m not explaining it well, but good luck dude. I hope you’re wrong about stuff.

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You think European white dudes aren’t racist?

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Oh, there are definitely a ton. Over 50% is a high bar, though

I find it close to impossible to look around at the state of things and not be profoundly angry and sad. I’m well aware there is an argument that humanity tends to make progress, and that things are better than they used to be, but I’m just not taking a lot of comfort in the long arc of history bending towards justice while we’re drawing very live to authoritarianism.

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If it makes you feel better, people were way more racist a generation ago.

I used to be certain this is true. Nowadays I’m just not so sure anymore.


Some are more racist and a lot of us are less. There is polarization along the racism spectrum also imo.

Where are the non racist white people?

Lol Pete just owns foxnews over and over and over. You’d think they’d learn


9/10, extra points for saying “newfangled” but if you dont work in “malarkey” you can’t get 10/10.

Good effort though from Pete.


I think they have a kink