The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

MI, PA and GA have all telegraphed it. The only reason this didn’t happen last time was individuals who are in the process of being purged from the party.


you have to be insanely naive to think riverman is exaggerating here



Trump: I don’t like that Romney

Ronna McDaniel: I hear ya

Trump: and I love that McDonald’s fast food restaurant

Ronna McDonalds: way ahead of you


Yeah this sucks. I grew up with baseball as my favorite sport by a mile. By 1994 they broke my spirit and I have only held a mild interest since.

If there mfers force me back into watching baseball I am going to be pissed.


Are the Japanese still kicking the US’s ass at BB?

More importantly than them being purged is the ability for one person being able to block it is being changed in their laws. They’re now making it so the state legislature can decide so it’s defused responsibility.

First GA, next up is AZ changing their laws so the legislature can choose which electors to send.

Important to note they still have a ton of time before 2024, if dems lose the senate expect these laws to get a WHOLE lot worse. This is just what they’re willing to do while dems have the power to stop them, imagine what they will do when the dems do not.

If dems retain the senate they will still pass the laws and hope for the best and the supreme court, but they’re all waiting to see what happens in 2022 before trying. Before that they will just try general voter suppression stuff.

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After Donald Trump’s presidency the majority of posters on a liberal message board somehow think Republicans won’t do ________. Fucking incredible and depressing beyond words. If they’re ever in power again we will only ever regain democratic government at the barrel of a gun.

They’re telling us exactly what they’re going to do. Pretending they aren’t serious isn’t going to stop it.


Is this cancel culture run amok? This feels AMOK to me.


Wait. That was real?

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All these GOP scumbags have to do is spam the Culture Warrior button to get the swine to vote for them to keep them in office.

Amazing to have such a simple job.

Nobody gives a shit about the World Baseball Classic in America.

Meanwhile, a school I taught at in South Korea screeched to a halt when Japan and South Korea went to extra innings in the 2009 WBC final. It was like the World Cup final. Nearly every teacher had either a radio or TV on to track the game.


Wat, japanese baseball is the minor leagues

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Yeah, they love it, Baseball must be the biggest sport over there, no?

Edit: Sports in Japan - Wikipedia.


I’m not wasting my time searching but I have little doubt R McD has shit out there where she’s railing against cancel culture.
I’d kinda be disappointed in her as a GOPer if she didn’t.

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Whew. My fear assuaged; she’s a solid GOPer. Proud hypocrisy always.

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Woke Charles Barkley???


Meh, “both sides” nonsense. Dems suck but none of them want to lynch Barkley for being uppity.


If he’d just stuck in a “but one side’s way worse at it” then he would have mostly nailed it.

But he didn’t.
Absolutely fuck any both-sideisms after the last couple of decades.

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He shows his hand when he says politicians pit poor people against rich people. Barkley’s not a fan of GOP racism, but the Dems want to raise his taxes, so it’s a wash. Both sides.