The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

“public transit sucks in some places, you just have to accept that as a fundamental axiom of the universe, it can never improve”


. A VMT tax has the potential to generate a more stable stream of
revenues than a gasoline tax because motorists cannot reduce their
tax burden by driving more fuel efficient vehicles.

it could be made progressive just like any other tax.

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It’s complex policy which was one of my points. It’s going to take very hard decisions to get out of our climate future. It’s hard to see how poor nations won’t feel some of the pain.

As for the infrastructure deficit, the real slumdunk response to the mileage tax idea is MMT. We simply don’t need to raise money to build infrastructure. We just make more.

The “balance the checkbook” rhetoric of some eDems is a place they fail miserably.

Jman should have said “should” I’m guessing.

I don’t think that’s the argument that is being made. The public transport infrastructure does not exist right now in many places in the US. That’s an undisputed fact.

Now we can have

Plan A:

  1. Tax mileage.
  2. Use taxes to create public transport infrastructure. This will take years or might never happen at all.


Plan B:

  1. create public transport infrastructure
  2. tax mileage

The argument for plan A seems to be that the funds for building the infrastructure needs to be raised first. This is not true. The US does not have to do this on layaway or have some kind of construction loan.


Hop on your bike here and let me know how far you have to ride before you find somewhere to buy milk.


Pretty sure there was a recent debate advocating for increasing IRS budget that progressives here were arguing against!

Wait, if for the sake of argument we assume they are clamoring to get here because of Biden, didn’t Biden in one definitive way Make America Great Again?

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Even before the pandemic, nobody ever came knocking on my door to even pop in for a quick visit because I’m a total fucking asshole great.

Apologies but I actually couldn’t find a current immigration thread here. Maybe I’ve lost my mind.

But, I honestly would love it if everybody coming to the border said, “Lol we’re just passing through to Canada you total fucking assholes.”


I live in Wisconsin and ride around town on a dairy cow. I’m sorry your life turned out so hard.


I mean, if suburban areas invest in improving public transportation, how are they going to keep minorities out?


You may not be so eager to walk 1.2 miles (one way) in the Nevada summer after you’ve tried it once or twice. I deliberately picked a neighborhood I have actually walked around in, and I can assure you from experience that is a very unpleasant place to be if you don’t have a car.

Seems pretty key that this is “travel” rather than specifically driving. I’d imagine a lot of flights at the higher end.


Public transportation sucks in all places, imo. The only reason why it is “great” in places like NYC, London, Tokyo, etc. is because in those places having a car sucks even more (traffic, parking, expense, etc).

Nothing beats stepping out of my house, getting into my car, driving somewhere with minimal traffic, parking right outside where I want to be, and going in. Only way to top that is to add a chauffeur or self-driving car.

I assume we’re not counting uber as public transportation. I think sometimes people include cabs.

“Wait, you thought we were stopping here to live? Permanently? Hahaha oh wow… Hey Pedro, come here, check this out! This guy… Yeah, him, the guy dressed like he was fighting terminators in the future is apparently a border agent… He thinks we wanted to live here permanently, in USA#1! A dios mio amirite?”


Great the Euro is now lecturing us on how easy it is to walk or bike to work


You’re closer to a stereotypical American than I am with the amount of ignorance you spew