The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Well yeah, the pandemic exposed that. Turns out that making sure your smartphone takes the best selfie wasn’t the best use of our amazing modern technology. Covid called our bluff about all that shit.

What we really need is a simple carbon tax based on an individual carbon footprint. That way you are not only taxing driving, but flying, having two homes, etc.

This will of course never happen.


NGL that’s pretty rich coming from someone with thousands of posts about politics in a country he doesn’t live in.

My point is pretty simple. Regressive taxes on the poor while the entire system does everything possible to avoid tax enforcement on the wealthy is a terrible idea. Let’s work big to small, eh?

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Lol the old “he’s Canadian” line. Good faith. Good faith.

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Maybe (probably) wrong thread but has any sort of leader, political or otherwise, came out since the pandemic started and said something like, “Everybody relax, it’s fine. Thank God we invented the modern internet, right? This has been the entire point of having a supercomputer in your pocket that also makes phone calls.”

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Missing the larger point as usual.

You know why a vast swath of the country doesn’t vote and hates politics? Because wonky douchebags sit around and talk about things like gas taxes and cigarette taxes that crush the poor while Jeff Bezos and Donald Trump pay no tax.

Incentivizing public transit is great in NYC. Now come to Oklahoma City and try to exist without a vehicle.


I’m happy to discuss a regressive gas tax to fund public transit. After we enforce taxes on billionaires.


It’s a standard Theory v Practice thing.

Real talk I always assumed you people hitched rides on tornadoes.


Covered wagons actually


This is actually where I am at wrt state and local taxes in WA. Anytime a tax is on the ballot I vote against it unless it is an income tax on the wealthy. I give zero fucks what the tax is and what it’s for. I refuse to support any tax here until the state implements a true progressive tax on either wealth or income.


fuck tell me about it


Here is a recent paper that makes a pretty strong case a mileage tax, if differentiated between rural and urban, is better than gas taxes.

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This whole conversation is just the purest indictment of capitalism. We’ve built an entire society around the unquestioned primacy and indispensability of the car, doing untold damage, all so a few auto barons could get unspeakably rich. And too many of us can’t imagine doing anything different.


My cousin graduated HS in Houston around 99-00. Went to grad school at UCSD and Californians legit thought they got around by covered wagon in Texas.

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Got it. Rich people bad. Internet point scored. Thanks for your contribution to the debate.

Sorry, I don’t have a PhD. This is the ceiling of my debate ability.


Nah in TX they ride around town on bucking broncos or bucking bulls. Public transit is a really big bull or horse that seats more.

Go of queen


I mean, cars have a lot of advantages for regular people.

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