The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Holy fuck. I already posted a direct quote that pete literally said It wouldn’t work if it impacted lower income people.

I’m out.

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Then that needs to be front and centre of his policy, not the tax headlines that the MSM will produce over and over that’s why we say its a loser from the beginning and you still don’t listen.

I’m out too.

There is a huge difference between a gas tax and a mileage tax. The former encourages sustainable alternatives. The latter does not.


I’m out too.


According to this about 63% of the vehicle miles of travel are done by households earning under $100k per year. 48% are households earning under 75k. So half of these taxes would be paid by households earning under $75k LOL but yeah this is just Mayo Pete hate. :clown_face:


No. I asked you to support democrats supporting Pete’s gas plan. You know this. It’s pathetic

I don’t understand why you think this is some fatal flaw in the plan. Our GST is paid by all then the poor get a cheque to pay them back for the tax they paid.

You can’t tax the rich. Who do you think throws fundraisers in wine caves?


Why doesn’t the government just pay Musk to give Teslas to every American

They’re all just billionaires on paper, it would be soooooooo unfair to make them liquidate some of that wealth to pay taxes on it.


I think the argument they use in the US is that forcing Jeff Bezos to sell billions of dollars of shares in Amazon would hurt its stock price even though last year

the Amazon founder has sold over $10 billion worth of Amazon shares in 2020 alone.



It’s really pathetic that people keep thinking “just tax the rich” is some kind of gotcha in this debate. I’m really losing respect for the level of debate on this forum.

As if I don’t think we should tax the rich. Way more.

But that has NOTHING to do with the mileage tax. They two are not mutually exclusive.

You are allowed to say “perhaps I misunderstood what pete said and while there are some issues with the tax it’s not a terrible idea”.

But nope. Everyone has to dig in sooooooo deep and never admit any change of mind no matter how much data is shown. Then when there is nowhere left to argue pete is an idiot it’s “tax the rich” as if that has anything to do with transportation policy.

Even when I post a direct quote from him saying he doesn’t think the policy would work if it hurts the lower income brackets I have multiple posters saying something along the lines of “pete should say he doesn’t want to hurt the lower income brackets…”

One thing the cancel culture cry babies have right is the terrible trend of arguing against people instead of ideas.


Go off king

It doesn’t work if it hurts anyone who needs to drive to transport themselves if you do not provide them with a reasonable alternative first.

Build it and they will come.

Tax them for just trying to get around in their daily lives in some kind of technocratic shitlib attempt to force them to stay home and twiddle their thumbs, and they will turn this country into even more of a MAGA wasteland so fast it will make your head spin.


You need a carrot and stick solution for problems like this. If you want to disincentivize driving, you can’t just penalize people without giving them an alternative, but you also can’t just build something new and expect people overcome their natural inertia and switch just because. You need a combination of the two.


The world has become dichotomous.

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Sure, we can talk about sticks 10 years from now after Pete has done his job and built the appropriate infrastructure. And given that the US government can literally just print money to make the alternatives as cost effective and pleasant as possible, it shouldn’t require too many sticks if he does his job well.

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I literally made like 12 posts on the topic most with actual data. I’m hardly ignoring it. You didn’t make any points I haven’t already addressed which is why I didnt respond directly to you.

There are simply facts.

Fact one. Pete didn’t say most of what people itt attributed to him.

Fact two. A mileage tax is not a terrible idea to raise funds for infrastructure. It’s faults seem easily addressable. It’s also supported by most of this forums progressive heroes.

Fact three. Transportation policy has nothing to do with taxing the rich. It can be both correct to create a mileage tax and tax the rich on other ways.

Fact four. This ENTIRE debate has one source. Pete said it.