The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

JFC, if we’re using the opioid epidemic as a pretext for the War On Drugs, can we fucking lock up the Sacklers?


Lol no, duh. In fact, you can’t even sue them.

As of right now, it looks like they will get to keep about $10 billion and be immune from any future accountability.

The Sacklers basically getting immunity reminds me of Chris Rock’s bit, just change out Philiip Morris for Purdue Pharma.


Honestly, I think the paragraph before that is even more insightful


I have said and still believe that there’s a very real chance that last year’s election was compromised and mail in voting saved us from some bad outcomes.


For sure. I’m glad you found the extra context.


There is 0% chance it gets struck down in its entirety.

Also won’t it take time for it to reach the supreme court? Giving us time to win elections and possible get enough senators to pack the courts if they try any bullshit.


Does anyone know how that works? It’s kind of hard to track how far everyone is driving, except on tolled interstates where I guess you could just add a pollution tax onto the toll.

Wine Cave Pete at it again


Oh good a technocratic shitlib policy that will hammer the working poor, what a great fucking idea Peter


I wonder what the odds would be on a jury finding someone guilty if they murdered a Sackler?

I’m guessing fairly low. Everyone knows someone caught up in that trap.

Seems like just tinkering with the Federal Gas tax would be easier and equally “fair,” if the goal is to make drivers pay for the improvements.

If you were on a jury for the trial of someone who murdered a Sackler, would you vote to convict?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Maybe
  • Don’t Know

0 voters

That Pete thing is a perfect example of a major problem of most Dem politicians. They don’t have a firm grasp of reality for everyday Americans because they have basically never lived that life. It would be like me trying to set policy for inner city housing projects or something. I would be flying blind. It’s also one reason I think AOC is as good as she is. She lived her life as a normal person prior to politics. She has friends who are normal people she can empathize with.

Meanwhile Pete is living this lifestyle in the tail end of his formative years:


That was more-or-less the policy that set off the gilets jaunes (yellow vests) protests here in France. So I’m sure it will go down a treat.

(Was a tax on petrol, so effectively increased with each mile driven.)

Except that EVs are going to eventually drive down gas tax revenue bigly.

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My initial take that Biden was the absolute worst candidate might have been wrong.