The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

It took me a minute to realize you were referring to electric vehicles.

I first thought it was some weird reference to Sklansky Dollars.

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Just ignore them. Like completely ignore them. They can have press passes or whatever, but literally never take a question from them or acknowledge they exist. And definitely donā€™t go on the network. It is not a news organization.


Wait, his question is about not getting to ask questions? Douche.

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I guess they could check odometer annually when you update your tags or something like that.

Of course one could claim that he put all the miles on when he was on vacation in Canada. Well, not this year, but most years.

Raising gas prices is probably politically radioactive.


Are you saying you wouldnā€™t convict no matter what? Letā€™s say weā€™ve got it on HD video and multiple eyewitnesses, so thereā€™s no doubt.

Pete is basically an underachieving Patrick Bateman

sounds like heā€™s reinventing the gas tax

Holy fuck that would be massively unpopular.

Iā€™d have to wait until all the facts are known. Canā€™t rush to judgment. Sacklers were no angels.


What does that mean practically? A federal sales tax on gas?

I donā€™t understand how anyone can vote yes or no here.

Wouldnā€™t it depend on the evidence presented at trial?

I guess I can kind of understand no. Yes is WTF without knowing anything else.

The presumption in the question was that he did in fact murder someone.

That sort of thing is kind of important to mention explicitly.

It will be hilarious when rich people buy Teslas just to avoid the tax.

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Everything is politically radioactive. Drivers are among the most subsidized groups in America and theyā€™re going to be furious at any attempt to stop the music, even though it must stop.


This is very true, thereā€™s a lot of echoing of the ā€œkeep the government out of my social securityā€ attitude from drivers that use publicly funded infrastructure and spew pollution onto the collective environment every single day.


Iā€™d have no issue with a higher gas tax if adequate public infrastructure existed in America as it does in most of the rest of the first world and some of the third.

I mean, I did say ā€œsomeone who murdered a Sacklerā€, not ā€œsomeone who was accused of or charged with murdering a Sacklerā€.