The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

While I agree with the general discussion that the border has been overplayed by the media in search of a familiar narrative, we don’t want to start thinking it’s not shameful what is happening there and with immigration policy in general. The real travesty is with all this media coverage there is essentially zero discussion of fixing the root of the problem, even on left wing media.

Imagine using all the air time to ask why the borders are so policed and why it’s so difficult to immigrate given all the social science research clearly shows immigrants are good for America.


If that’s what it takes to get Manchin on board with ending the filibuster, then make her the Queen of Appalachia for all I care.


A lot of you seem to have forgotten where we were just 6 months ago. At that point, it seemed like Trump had a real shot at winning re-election. RGB had just passed away unexpectedly and it felt like the world was falling apart. Think about everything that’s happened since then. Biden won by such a huge margin it was impossible for Trump to steal the election. All the lawsuits failed. Giuliani made a complete fool of himself. Then both GA senate seats went our way, giving the Dems a majority, which directly led to the passing of a massive rescue package that is literally changing lives. The pandemic is ending and vaccines are rolling out even faster than expected. McConnell is impotent, Trump is silenced on social media. Biden’s polling is great and his critics can’t lay a glove on him. I mean, c’mon! Take a breath and enjoy the victories! Sure Barrett was sworn in to the Supreme Court and there was a minor insurrection at the Capitol, but that may ultimately turn out to be a good thing if it helps galvanize the nation to understand the real threat of Trumpian fascism and take action.

All you doom-and-gloom WAAFleheads really need to calm down and give Biden a chance. You’re harping on the one area where he’s perhaps been less than spectacular (immigration and the border situation) but as he explained, he’s putting things back together and it will take a little time. More importantly, he wants things to be better. That’s the opposite of the last President, and it matters. In a few months (if not weeks) the entire system will be overhauled and running smoothly.

That press conference yesterday was an absolute home run. Obviously the press could have done more to help him and should have asked better questions, but all his answers, his tone, his empathy, and his clear-eyed optimism really spoke to me. Plus it could have been even worse, there weren’t any questions about his inability to climb the stairs of Air Force One or his various canine-related scandals.

Filibuster reform is basically a done deal. Democrats clearly understand the importance of securing a new Voting Rights bill and there’s no way Manchin or Sinema or anybody else is going to stand in the way of that. More great things are coming. It’s just a question of getting those things done with enough time to campaign on them for the next cycle. I just try and have patience and let the good Lord (acting through His humble servant Joseph R. Biden Jr.) take care of things.


I know it’s SweetSummerChild but there is some truth in that post.

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This is your best work, easy.


I actually agree with like 90% of this!


This is nonsense.

Nobody mentioned that nobody on social security (who didn’t file taxes or use non filer a year ago) have gotten the stimulus yet? Even the congress actually called out the SSA for slow rolling handing over the data to the IRS who asked for it a month ago?

Only 30 million people, so guess not one of the bigger news stories. Maybe because it’s for recipients of a social program it would require a liberal slant to consider it a story. Since the head of the SSA, who said his hands where tied from doing anything until YESTERDAY, but is a Trump nominee would require a liberal slant to report on it.

This is one story I pulled out of my backside with 10 seconds of reflection shortly after waking up.The media sucks.

We’re clearly in need of a SweetAutumnChild account

I think what we really need is a parody waaf account at this point.


Biden does your press conference.


Biden is not impressed.

Dale has repeatedly said that Trump lied way more and way worse than Biden. I don’t know if that’s enough, but at least it’s something.


SSC is really bringing her A-game.




I admittedly haven’t followed politics very closely the last month or so but here’s my waaf still take.

Even if I give you enough fillinuster reform to get a voting rights act through, and this is reaching. It will immediately get challenged in a trumpy court. And it will initially get struck down. States rights yo. It will obviously get appealed and wind it’s way through the court system to the SCOTUS. But it will take years and they’ll let the state restrictions stand in the meantime. And oh look we just lost the senate and house in 2022 because of disenfranchisement. And oh look now the Rs are repealing the progress made and making all the insane state restrictions federal.

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Or quelling the myth that Biden is, in fact, a vampire who actually served in the Senate 120 years ago. :roll_eyes:

Read the whole thread.



Wow we have to stop this open border policy that lets shipping trucks in with hollowed out loading crates!! Just ridiculous we let them in