The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

I can only admire your commitment to the premise.

Things are so fucked up it feels like it has to be a conspiracy. This is why people fall for conspiracies. The reality is that things got fucked incrementally, over decades, as people with money and power behaved in entirely predictable ways.

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If it was a conspiracy, would this be in the, uh, Jeff Bezos Washington Post?


The fact that the Washington Post publishes that article just proves that it’s a conspiracy!


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The media did not distinguish themselves. By asking about immigration multiple times and echoing the false narrative that Biden had created a “surge," they showed they were more interested in sound bites than actual news. Their failure to ask about the pandemic, the recession, anti-Asian violence, climate change or even infrastructure (Biden had to bring it up himself) was nothing short of irresponsible. They pleaded for a news conference and then showed themselves to be unserious. They never laid a glove on Biden; they did, however, make the case for why these events are an utter waste of the president’s time.

This quote nails it.


It’s not so much a “conspiracy” so much as the Acela-belt guys in the NYT/WaPo newsrooms all seem to be in a massively insular clique that’s obsessively self-absorbed and clueless about how the rest of the world lives.

I don’t necessarily buy the Chomsky theory that reporters will get fired if they report on working-class issues, it’s more that they have no clue how to do this. Just look at how they all got rolled by Hillbilly Elegy bullshit.

There’s also the problem of Fox News gaslighting them for 20 years with “liberal media bias” grievances. The Overton Window is completely out of whack for mainstream outlets, who compensate with all manner of dumb concessions to right wing talking points.


The loss of independent local news plays a big part of this.

Also, all you have to do is look at how these DC/NY people report on things that happen in the midwest to see how completely clueless they are. If things work one way in New York, they automatically assume that’s how things work everywhere, and they report it that way.

It’s infuriating.


Chomsky isn’t saying that 100% they will get fired. He’s saying that if they do report on those things it’s more likely that they will not be advanced in their careers. If you put those kinds of incentives and people’s responses to those incentives on repeat then you end up with where we are at now. People who are rationally looking out for their own interests and their own careers end up doing exactly what we see happening.


The immigration panic is a great example of the epic circle-jerk: everyone is reporting on it because everyone else is reporting on it. It’s also super challenging for someone like Anderson Cooper to actually go out and get the story from the immigrant perspective, so we get some roundtable of dumbfucks on TV speculating on whether they came over because of Biden winning the election.


Biden seems to get it, though. Very close to nobody voting in 2022 or 2024 is going to change their vote on the basis of whatever bullshit the media is yammering about. Facebook / Fox News has already hit maximum brainwash capacity. His agenda polls at 70%+, just do that shit and run on it, it’s not complicated. Nobody GAF about procedure. It’s infuriating it’s taken this long for Democrats to understand this but at least they get it now.

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You’re an elite poster and I like the cut of your jib


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Dan Crenshaw didn’t say that, Antifa did.


yeah a lot of this is on Biden for not doing a press conference 3 weeks ago. The $1400 is already gone for the majority of people.

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Walk softly, talk softly, and carry a big…what are you saying, man?

Are your kidding? You don’t take it for the immediate pay or benefits. You take it because after you’re done you parlay that into a post-WH gig that pays a fuckton. Even if you don’t convert, there were millions of Sklanksy buck on the line.


I thought you could change your screen name as it appears here? Maybe if you do, the original letter-avatar sticks? Or he uploaded it as his avatar? Idk, which bothers me a little. What bothers me more is that you don’t know. :stuck_out_tongue:

Fact checkers creating lies out of nothing in order to justify keeping their job.

I mean they basically got their jobs because of Trump’s absurdity and denial of reality. Now they’re trying to keep themselves relevant by pointing out single-digit differences in statistics provided by Biden when he speaks because he isn’t spreading conspiracy theories or telling people to inject bleach into their bodies.

The false equivalences this leads people to create are dangerous.