The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

The number of people coming in may not be unusual, but thanks to the policy shifts by Biden, the number of people being held is ususual. That’s the crisis. The lefties seem to agree with that.

550,000 people have died from a once in a century pandemic that has absolutely dominated American life for the last year.

Those motherfuckers asked at least 6 questions about an almost entirely made up border crisis that, to the extent it actually exists, is not Biden’s fault, and that he’s obviously taking seriously.

They asked ZERO questions about the above referenced pandemic. They also asked ZERO questions about the $1,900,000,000,000 package he just passed, that provides a lifeline to tens of millions of people living in crisis.

They’re just lazy assholes.


Post deserves many more likes.

The MSM can eat a giant bag of dicks.


This. Like just about everything he got right, it was for the wrong reasons

It is true that I thought several of those reporters asking the immigration questions were from foxnews or OANN, and ended up being from like ABC or CBS.

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That may be true in a general way, but I don’t think reporters are asking Biden dumb questions today to appease their corporate overlords.

I think they are asking dumb questions because they are dumb.

I can’t imagine they’re being told DONT TALK ABOUT THE COVID NO ONE CARES ABOUT THAT.

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That package was a couple of news cycles ago.

Onto bad news!

Fucking right-wing lizard brain


I’m old enough to remember when Hunter Biden was a thing.

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Manchin’s framing is nice.

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We probably agree that the questions that they are asking fall within a classification of being “dumb”.

Instead of assuming that the reporters are dumb because they are asking dumb questions, consider another possibility–that the reporters who are asking the questions are smart and very adept at navigating their work spaces and getting promotions within their organizations. That’s why they are in the WH press pool, and not doing a puff piece about a lost dog on the local news in northwestern Iowa. These are capable people(insofar as knowing how to advance their careers) who know what kind of work product they should be delivering to their bosses if they want to maintain their status and role within their news organization.

The questions they ask may be dumb, but that does not make them dumb. They are smart enough to know that their job is to ask dumb questions. They’ve been asking dumb questions for a while now, and they still have jobs. Seems like the corporate overlords who decide if they stay employed are happy with their performance.


WH Press person is no longer a desirable job. It doesn’t pay well and you spend most of your time waiting around and tweeting. These people aren’t in any way remarkable.

They all hated Trump. Think about how easy it would have been to embarrass him. They’re just not very smart. I’ll hop on board a conspiracy theory that they’re in the job because they’re morons, but I see no evidence of the opposite.


I’m not sure I’m disagreeing with you, but I do think that most of them probably buy into the overall world view that they advocate. Similarly to politicians and the people funding them, chances are you just give money to someone that agrees with you on the big things (however you define them) than offer cash to take up a particular position.

Obviously there will be give and take, but the dynamic to believe your own bullshit over time is strong. I mean, I believe pretty much everything I post!


The is shit is absolutely ridiculous. Seems like a terrible move strategically. It’s so bad the Democrats have to respond.

I’d they had just waited until like May, 2022 this would have had a really high chance of working. It still might, but the odds are way longer.


I agree that they tend to have similar overall type of world view. That’s part of the process of how they got there.

My points are completely biting off of other media critics. This 3 minute video is worth the watch.

If you have 30 seconds, start this video at 2:29, or start at 2:56 if you only have 10 seconds :-)

Reporter: How can you know that I’m self censoring?
Chomsky: I’m not saying that you are self censoring. I’m sure you believe everything that you are saying. What I’m saying is that if you believed something different, you wouldn’t be sitting where you are sitting.


They’re trying to make him a thing again, this time about throwing away a gun or something stupid like that.


Here’s something from January that won’t be happening.