The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Yup. He’s also never laughed in his entire life.

DA LIBZ equivalence not on point.

That’s literally the only one ever trotted out, because it’s the only one that was any good.

Isn’t this teeter totter graphic opposite?


Infuriating as it is, this is progress!

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True he doesn’t laugh because he’s a insane person, but he had some really good zingers in a bully way that were great when against people who deserved it.

Honestly you’re just wrong about this and you will always be wrong.


Just kidnap everyone she cares about. I’m starting to identify as an evil dictator at this point.

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Damn, forever?

Anyways, I’m waiting for Glenn Kessler to weigh on in Biden’s press conference before commencing dunking.

Jo, there at it again

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Just another rando politico with better zingers than Trump:


Lol, damn you ted cruz for making me smile.

the one time he came close is when the UN general assembly laughed at his claim that he had done more than any other administration, he took a lump there and seemed upbeat.

Media still horrible.

I have started to lean hard into Trump eas entirely correct on the media. My view that media is a fundamental part of us being a functioning society clouded my view.

They are collectively garbage and it is almost impossible to find outlets that are collectively competent.


The only way I can see you coming to that conclusion is that you think the Media’s job is to drag Republicans and promote liberal and leftist views.

Nah. The mainstream media are bad at their jobs, but for entirely different reasons than Trump and Hannity say they’re bad.


This is something I was thinking about last night. Texas makes up about 60% of the length of the US Mexico border. Since Biden took office, Texas republicans from their senators, their governor, their lieutenant governor and Attorney General have aggressively attacked anything said by the administration in regards to immigration. Sometimes they publicly speak out to remind people they are on the wall to pounce on whatever Biden decides to do next.

Texas will file a lawsuit against any action the federal government likely makes.

I don’t feel a lot of general pushback in the state on these officials on this issue. That is problematic. Like I said, Texas makes up the majority of the entire border.

I don’t understand how you got this:

Out of what I said.

The rank and file media, for the most part, are doing what we all do: appease the boss, and if and when they do something that generates attention or increased profits(more clicks/eyeballs) be sure to frame topics in such a way that they do not challenge the existing power structures in our place of work or society.

The news editors don’t have to constantly remind the reporters what to write or not to write, or which questions to ask. Just like the publishers don’t have to tell the editors what to do. It’s understood in the sense that everyone is aware of who gets promoted and who gets hired and who gets the choice assignments. They all know who signs their paychecks.

Sure an intrepid reporter could shine a spotlight on underlying systemic issues, or focus on issues that would lead to a more democratic or egalitarian society, but everyone knows that you don’t get hired for the best paying jobs in corporate media by doing that. Look at what happens in newsrooms when journalists try to unionize or support unionization efforts. It’s generally pink slips and “don’t let the door hit you on the way out”. Meanwhile, people like Tom Friedman make 7 figures.


probably would just be one person:


The media does a good job reporting on what the biggest stories of the day are. It’s just they don’t do it with a liberal slant.

It’s also the media’s job to look into something like the migrant crisis and see if it’s really a crisis and not just normal seasonal + some covid backup. But that doesn’t grab eyeballs.

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