The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

What else is new? They were shit under Trump too.

I think there was a big difference between 2015 Trump and 2020 Trump.


You’re right though, he did have a mean sense of humor that could sometimes be funny. Like, he was never self-deprecating. His “zingers” were always insulting someone.

Really halfassed answer on the filibuster. Sounds like we’re going back to an old-timer talking filibuster era where Republicans still obstruct everything but have to do so in a diaper.

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Yeah he was a bully asshole but when he was shitting on people who deserved it, it was occasionally pretty funny.


That was not my take at all.

I think he’s pretty clearly telegraphed that hes going to get there incrementally. Either to coax the last few holdouts or to get political cover, hes going to make the GOP obstruct first.

Nobody has thatsthejoke.jpged this guy yet?

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If you’re going to call the filibuster a relic of Jim Crow, you kinda have to say of course you want to get rid of it or else what are we doing here.


He’s getting rid of the filibuster. He cannot say he’s getting rid of the filibuster. If he says he is getting rid of the filibuster, he will not be able to get rid of the filibuster.


So glad that “border crisis” has become the new “deficits actually matter” chew toy given to the MSM by totally sincere, concerned Republicans.

But tell me again how they’re just as biased as FoxNews. We all remember FoxNews hounding Trump about [insert “crisis” that is actually a huge winning issue with Democrats] right? Totally equal and opposite.

Oh look. SHOCKED

That’s what we’re all hoping. I’m more optimistic than most, and think many of them do realize the gravity of our situation, but absolutely nobody should be confident they’re for sure getting rid of it.

We will see. Whether we get HR1 is probably a coinflip at BEST, and even if we do get it, new states is a HUGE dog.

Meanwhile, while everyone’s been talking about this press conference and important issues like whether Biden will run again, the house transportation and infrastructure committee has been in a hearing all morning discussing the admin’s infrastructure plan.

But hey, we need 15 questions about the border crisis instead.

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We’re not getting new states. HR1 is the best we’re gonna get.

IIRC HR1 has DC as a state

Assuming we do get HR1 Manchin and company will take a hatchet to it. Still, it’ll be the biggest win democracy has had since the voting rights act.


One thing, not mentioned (as far as I have seen) is that it’s harder for fossils like DiFi or Chuck Grassley to stand up for hours than it is for Ossoff. So, the old talking rule would give more power to younger Senators. Conclusion—current filibuster sucks, talking filibuster unfair, filibuster’s main purpose (successful) was to keep civil rights legislation from passing—nuke the filibuster.

And some people here don’t think he’s in severe cognitive decline. Wow.

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Fox News will be unironically saying this all day tomorrow.

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