The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Has anything happened on COVID? Was a $2T bill passed with zero GOP votes? Who could say, you wouldn’t know it from the last hour!

That being the worst gaffe in a speech shows how much the presidency has improved since Trump.

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Do you agree?


“If not…”



Thank you @GrittyNHL for the work you did to get this man elected. Seriously.

Lol that’s the second time he’s been asked if he agrees with Obama on something something controversial, and he just flat out said yes and shut it down.


There is no place in America where some kid picked up wandering the streets would be returned to a random fucking person with no proof whatsoever about what the relationship between that person and the kid was, let alone some kid hoofing it over the border and turning himself/herself into the feds for help.

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Honestly same thing happened with Trump a lot from libs. Trump was the WOAT but he occasionally cracked a pretty good joke and libs went completely HAM on missing it.


I never said there was…

Yes, for sure… Posters were pointed at for laughing at his jokes, lol.


Trump had absolutely zero sense of humor. His jokes were legitimately not funny, and it was frequently not obvious whether or not he was joking becuase he said crazy shit as a matter of course and then would later backtrack and lie that he was joking when he got flack for it. The two situations aren’t remotely comparable.



I mean, @SweetSummerChild and all, but it seems pretty fucking clear here that the filibuster is going away for HR1 at least. He’s all but admitted it. He just needs to keep up the pretense of trying to not eliminate it for as long as possible before he pulls the trigger.

Agreed, hopefully his team are pressuring the GOP wing of the party.


I’m pretty confident Manchin comes along after doing a whole song and dance about bipartisanship and extracting some kind of right wing concession or other. The real x factor is batshit crazy cinema and/or a random octogenarian D dropping dead.


Honestly this simply isn’t true. Think back to the debates. Remember when lil bush said his mom in law or whatever was his hero and Trump fired back maybe she should be running?

Dude had some good zingers from time to time and its important to remain objective so you don’t look as full of shit as the bad faith people on the other side.

I agree with almost everything you said except the fact that he still had some good one liners from time to time and it was pretty obvious when he was being funny. Yes a bunch of times he tried to say crazy shit and run it back like he was joking and that was obvious, and it was also obvious when he was actually joking and libs tried to pretend he wasn’t.


Got a laugh out of him trying to imitate Marco Rubio drinking water.

Obiden was a pretty witty nickname given Joe regularly bringing up his Irish heritage and his connection to Obama.


By my count, SIX questions about the border.

Zero questions about COVID. Not one fucking question. They’re a parody of incompetence.



Konerak Sinthasomphone, 14. The younger brother of the boy Dahmer had assaulted in 1988. Sinthasomphone was drugged and had hydrochloric acid injected into his brain before Dahmer left the youth unattended as he left the apartment to purchase beer. When he returned, he discovered Sinthasomphone naked and disoriented in the street, with three distressed young women attempting to assist him. When police arrived, Dahmer persuaded them he and Sinthasomphone were lovers and that the youth was simply intoxicated.