The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK


Bernie already previewed the GameShark method for passing anything under reconciliation and keeping the filibuster intact. It turns out that the parliamentarian’s decisions under the Byrd Rule are just a norm we’ve been following. The final call goes to the VP:

But here’s the thing: The way the budget reconciliation rules are enforced is that senators raise points of order against bills, the Senate parliamentarian makes a judgment on whether the point of order is correct, they give that judgment to the presiding officer of the Senate (in this case, the vice president), and the presiding officer makes the actual ruling.

By custom, the presiding officer follows the advice of the parliamentarian — but there’s nothing forcing him or her to do so.

What Sanders is saying is that he will command his vice president to ignore the parliamentarian’s advice and simply rule that anything he wants to do is permissible under reconciliation.

Oh, the horror. This article is actually really tilting given the presumption that doing this breaks the quotation mark “rules,” which is to say it breaks no rules whatsoever. It’s part of the loser mentality of the left:

GOP breaks norms: Shameless, but rules are rules.

Dems threaten to break norms: [Not rules] are rules, so we should play by the [not rules] because not doing so would lead to shameless partisanship.

If there’s any good news, it’s that the Budget Committee gavel will be in mittened hands:




True, helps Mitch not have to pass controversial right wing stuff he doesn’t want to pass anyway. But his reign is almost over, and could be trouble if the next Senate leader is a right wing ideologue.



Based on the notifications I’m getting, it appears that @mjiggy is catching up on the thread starting with yesterday’s posts. Enjoy all your reading!


Lost my spot now, thanks a BUNCH. Pretty sure catching up on and liking several-day old posts is my calling card at this point.


I’m not an expert on this but this trend of recent cabinet members needing a waiver to go from being part of the military to leading it seems really bad. The whole idea is the military is suppose to be civilian led.


lol what? I wasn’t wondering what she was doing or implying she wasn’t doing anything, I’ve seen videos of her talking as recently as yesterday

Now, as the president’s choice to lead the agency, she’s likely to pick up the network neutrality baton again - which prohibited internet service providers from charging websites to reach users at faster speeds. When Chairman Tom Wheeler ran the agency under Obama, Rosenworcel boldly pushed the chairman to create more aggressive network neutrality rules, a stance he eventually adopted and led to the network neutrality protections that were passed in 2015. And when Pai came to lead the agency with the intention to take a “weed wacker” to net neutrality in 2017, she didn’t sit quietly either.

So in March, when thousands of schools quickly shuttered to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, Rosenworcel sprung into action and began supporting proposals to help students who lacked internet access at home get online and continue their education.

“[T]he FCC should use its power in this emergency to provide schools with Wi-Fi hot spots to loan out to students who lack reliable internet access at home,” she wrote in an op-ed on the technology news site, The Verge. The FCC has the authority to help students get online in times of need, like the pandemic, through updating the E-rate program, she said, which is the largest largest education technology program in the country.

Her brother, Brian, is a drummer for the rock band Guster.

Gonna need some reviews of Guster.

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Biden got inaugurated. Good speech.


If he gets convicted it will be because Rs believe it to be in their own best interests to do so moving forward. It will (obviously) not be for the good of the country, they absolutely do not care about that.

I personally don’t think he will get convicted but I do think it’s an open question whether they (Mitch types) perceive it to be in the best interest of the party to do so.

I remember Guster having some good stuff when I was in college. I’ve belted out “Two Points for Honesty” in the car alone on many occasions, allegedly. Amsterdam is I think their best song. One Man Wrecking Machine honorable mention. Satellite is probably their most mainstream hit but I didn’t dig it.

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Yeah, definitely an alt rock college staple back in the day

Honesty is easy, fiction is where genius lies

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He’s really racking up the members of the tribe. I would have preferred the presidency though.

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Either Way

Saw them open for DMB a handful of times around 98-2002. They are solid.

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They appear to be fucking around.

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I hate this type of jargon. Who says “mags” instead of “metal detectors”?