The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

“Nobody else could have done any better.”

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Trump was defeated by an umbrella multiple times so I feel confident that Biden can’t be the only one.



ok thats the first one that made me bust out laughing

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There is like zero chance the dems will place Schumer, which tells you all you need to know about the democrats rolling over and exposing their belly.

I was going to at least silver lining it that the republicans are limited on what they can do, but the way it is heading it won’t be any different for republicans then the last four years, they will control the senate.

Yeah - it’s getting stupid.




Goddamn is that an ambitious bluff. Maybe the Democrats fold, but this feels like a huge mistake… and he’s been making those with some frequency lately.

I mean he’s giving them blowing up the filibuster on a silver platter here. This is the kind of thing that is just guaranteed to offend moderate Democrats pretty badly.

If this is how the filibuster blows up Mitch will have lost GA and blown up the filibuster in <30 days because he doesn’t know how to stop pushing the obstruction button.

This is a very large bet on Difi not being in touch with reality and not being able to be removed. That seems like a very very very thin bet at best.

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It’s also entirely possible that Republicans want the filibuster gone by the time they retake the Senate in 2022 and they’d much prefer to be able to point fingers at the Dems like they did with judicial filibusters.

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I would give this possibility (and it’s very much a possibility) more weight if the filibuster weren’t so insanely advantageous to the GOP.

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And the loss of the GOPs baked in advantage with 2 senators from DC

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GOP doesn’t want to pass legislation other than tax cuts. Their legislation is SUPER unpopular. They have settled on packing the courts and having them do it for them.

Like if the GOP passes what they want they will get crushed in all future elections. Just look at what was happening with the healthcare bill they wanted to pass. It had like 30% approval and would have gotten them stomped even harder in 2020 and all future elections until it was fixed.

Although the one thing I am worried about is if we nuke the filibuster, if they get all 3 branches they can pass some horrible nation wide voter suppression voting laws. Like no mail in ballots, mandatory ID, bunch of shit only rich white people can do etc.

But they will probably do that anyways.

If they get a trifecta the country is over anyway, there is zero point worrying about what they might do as it will be curtains on America as we know it at that point.

The ONLY defense against eventual one-party authoritarianism is using power to fix structural disadvantages and pass popular shit that helps people. This is literally their last chance.


They already did all of that after they had the SC blow up the VRA.


The VRA still has some protections in it. If you think we’re at max voter suppression right now LOL at you. There is still a TON of shit they want to do and have been planning on letting the courts take care of, but if they could legislate it they will.

I am kind of confused where this juvenile understanding of how legislation actually works pops up now.

The country has been gridlocked for decades so it’s not from overlaying experiencing reality.

We can’t get the freaking dems in the senate to use their majority. What Biden wants to do in most cases means fuck all right now.

I am not a democrat. I 100% supported Bernie in the primaries. I am not a fan of Biden, but Jesus Christ. It is like this place was just biding their time with Trump until they could really get what they want, a moderate Democrat to blast non stop.

Anyone who thinks Bernie would be getting any of this fantasy legislation through is delusional. The same exact problems exist and Bernie doesn’t possess a cheat code to overcome it.

Here is one guarantee…

If this is how it’s going to go for four years, the White House is gone, the senate gone, house gone.

This doesn’t absolve Biden from stuff he does wrong but blaming him for not being able to fly of melt metal with his eyes is crazy.

Right now the senate is 100x the issue Biden is.

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Or Rs are just going to yank the filibuster anyway and the only advantage goes to whomever did it first. The Garland/ACB BS is more than enough justification.

Dems should bring specifically that up any time they have to defend it. Where’s Merrick Garland? Where’s Merrick Garland? Where’s Merrick Garland? One simple point, keep hammering it home.

The filibuster was barely used until the Civil Rights era and then still not much used until Newt. It’s not like there’s historical precedent of it being some fundamental part of our process.

In retrospect Trump should have refused to nominate anyone until after the election - to make sure all R congress people were 100% on his side. Trump gained nothing by shoving ACB through. He doesn’t give a shit about abortion.


Dunno if it favors the GOP aside from it favoring Mitch McConnell. It’s not just super progressive legislation that couldn’t get passed, it’s stuff like tax cuts, which super progressive or not the top Bush rate was 35% and the top Obama rate was 39.6%. Harry Reid went nuclear. I guess we’ll see what Schumer does as majority leader now.

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She’s been busy pushing Biden left.