The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

maybe not, on a state level AZ/PA seem to be batshit crazy

like donā€™t even deny that heā€™s guilty af, just tell the world you canā€™t touch him. thatā€™s what the whole presidency was about

right mitch is gonna block, weā€™re on day 2 and we got one cabinet member when precedent is a lot more than that by now and a looming trial to suck up a lot more time that is very likely going nowhere fast.

Also they still have to come up with a compromise or else the committee #'s donā€™t change. Which means Rā€™s are still in control of some, which is probably why they still donā€™t have a AG hearing. Peteā€™s hearing today is still chaired by Rā€™s.

Bidenā€™s already done 25 EOā€™s, he isnā€™t wasting time on his end at least even though anything he does will ever be good enough here obviously.

lol in 6 years weā€™re gonna have like 10 dakotas

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nice picture of the real owner of the whitehouse here yes, thatā€™s hillaryā€™s cat


That cat is like wtf is this place?

Wait apparently thatā€™s Socks.

That cat is gonna scratch the shit out of that desk

Cats are awesome. We went from a no pet whitehouse to a cat occupied whitehouse? Things are already looking up


I know theyā€™re not British, but U2 performed at the 2009 inauguration.

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That reads like a solid list for day 1.


Southeastern Northern West Dakota is the best Dakota, IMO.

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Also Joe is more or less the human version of a Golden Retriever - goofy and earnest is an adorable way, but invades personal space and sniffs people inappropriately.


Itā€™s kind of shocking he thinks dems nuking the filibuster is an actual reality with just 50 senators. Itā€™s probably way more likely than we think

Splitting states takes way more than legislation.

And as Micro once said, we could have 30 million CAā€™s in that end game and we just end up with the popular vote which is great for us.

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Oh good

This is how you interact with Republicans.


Man I donā€™t like the pod Johns at all but this is a really good summary.


The Bernie Sanders sitting in the chair in different places memes are not funny at all and they are flooding my social media. I havenā€™t laughed at a single one. Itā€™s tilting as hell. Hopefully this is the low point of the Biden presidency.


Here, have a Snickers.



Seems the GOP has a brilliant new talking point today. ā€œI didnā€™t vote to overturn the election because I objected to states without enough electoral votes to overturn the election!ā€ Checkmate, libtards.

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