The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Here’s a more detailed look at the election results in PR:

So, what happened with this election? Well, first, the referendum was controversial because, unlike other status votes in the past, it only gave a choice of one status. It asked a yes-or-no vote on statehood for Puerto Rico. So voters had to choose either the current status of the control board or annexation to the United States. It was, in short, a rigged referendum, with no choice of independence or the current commonwealth or free association. But because it was scheduled during a regular election, many voters were going to the polls anyway, and statehood ended up with 52% of the vote, a bare majority. No one expects Congress to grant statehood, however, even though an increasing number of Democrats and billionaire hedge fund types are pressing for statehood as a way to increase potential Democratic votes in the House and the Senate.


I hope his colleagues keep calling him Mayor Pete even after he’s Secretary Buttigieg. Or at least Secretary Pete.

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Essentially and they probably need a ranked choice vote. They did do a vote in 2012 where the first option was status quo vs. something else and something else won. Then went on to vote on the something else where statehood won. (not counting 2017 vote because it was widely boycotted)

I don’t know what the difference between “free association” and “independence” is, but “free association” does much better than “independence”.

No one here thinks he will, do they?

lol PR statehood is less popular in PR than the rest of the US.

Who can blame them? Lots of people here are ready to secede.

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Several people said Mitch had to have the votes to speak out.

Lol, he’s a dog to vote to convict himself, let alone bring 16 people with him.

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They’re going to all stand up and say “I agree with president Biden, we need to have unity and stand together to move America forward. This impeachment trial is a farce that distracts from the pressing business that America is demanding the Senate address.”




Also, 54% turnout. Patchy opinion polls do seem to suggest it commands a largish plurality though, even when all options are on the table.

Don’t get me started on CA democrats. Jerry brown was the only one I ever liked.

I call them purple dems. They’re very popular here, especially in traditionally red areas that have flipped blue, like OC. They’re basically “fiscal conservatives” (ie, corporate sellouts) that are progressive on certain social issues.

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Seems like it would be a lot easier and more effective to update the Reapportionment Act and ditch the stupid 435 limit in the House.

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Not sure that this is true. I think there are a lot of Ds in California that are performatively left, but are pretty comfortable where they’re at when push comes to shove. They know if they push against the party they won’t live to tell the tale…

…so, yeah, this.

I mean I’m talking aides who got into politics in CA, not the politicians or donors or rich yuppies who help elect them etc. Even then, even conservative democratics think Feinstein is a loon.

But yeah I guess they’re just happy with job security. Something needs to be done asap though before she sinks us into a fascist hellhole. She already did enough damage giving Amys supreme court seating a massive PR bump when dems should be FURIOUS.

My biggest issue is the pure fantasy that Bernie is LikeBernie would have directly dealt with all these issues in the first 24 hours. Doubly so in light of a total transfer of power obstruction by the outgoing administration.

I get the issues with the deportation moratorium, but just laundry listing every issue that significantly impacts 300 million people plus in serious ways is not even a little bit constructive.

There obviously has to be a triage and there is no perfect order to address things. I am not saying he will do anything right, but it’s totally bonkers for people to be freaking out that xyz has not been fixed yet. It’s Democratic self sabotage at its finest.


Twitter ban seriously saved Trump from conviction, imo.

Exhibit C


“Just wait and give them a chance” is asking to be taken for granted and ignored.

If Biden wants to open the detention centers he’ll be happy people are pressuring him to do it fast. It’s like that FDR quote “go out and make me do it”.


I wouldn’t oppose trying Trump’s case in a criminal court (with the proper jurisdiction).

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It didn’t

He broke the law last time. They knew it last time. They voted no

They were voting no 100% no matter what on the second attempt

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