The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Yes I am calling Biden bootlickers out. What is your point? My point is this used to be a largely progressive forum and now it isn’t. I’m not crying about how I’m treated. I’m saying what ggoreo is above, this place is increasingly full of people whose views I don’t find similar to mine. I will go farther and say I find many of them abhorrent.


Who are the “Biden bootlickers?” JFC, you come in with strawmen and then whine when there’s any pushback. This forum is like 95% people who would prefer Bernie over Biden in a heartbeat but somehow it’s not progressive.


Have you read the forum these days? We have many people in multiple threads defending this(the ones who were here long enough used to be against kids in cages from what I could tell):

Look at that a TV! Humane conditions restored to the border!

But ok sure we don’t have any Biden bootlickers. We literally have people spiking the football in the last 24 hours in the immigration thread because he bought a tiny fraction of them hotel rooms they aren’t free to leave.


How about “I’d prefer we let them all go but hotels are preferable to keeping them in cages?” Is that so far behind the pale that you can’t participate in a conversation?


This place is outstanding when it’s people having an adult conversation. Lately it’s just been people needing to dunk on each other and get hyperbolic. The whole “Bump this thread” thread was trolling from the start.


If that were the conversation that was being had sure. But it isn’t. Micro has faced a lot of pushback from multiple posters over the idea that they should all be let go.

The take I literally see posted here and in the other thread is “It suddenly gets dangerous for them after they cross an imaginary line in the sand so we have to indefinitely lock them up for their own safety.”

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I don’t disagree with this. Don’t you think micro started out attempting to have an adult conversation?

I’m showing up now to post my take on this because my perspective on the posting here has gotten so low i rarely read threads here anymore. I have multiple threads I used to read and post in that are sitting there with thousands of unread posts.

I don’t think it’s me who has changed. From my perspective the average conversation here has shifted right and is downright hostile to progressives and any criticism of Biden.


I agree the conversation here has shifted right, but I disagree that it is hostile to progressives. Tomdemaine and @MysteryConman can still farm lots of :hearts:s dunking on libs. Things are just going the same way as all social media: an ever increasing demand to not be disagreed with.


Name some “biden bootlickers” lmao. Who here thinks biden is great and can do no wrong? Seriously, fill the blanks, these are some posters who love Joe Biden:


This board “going downhill” is a direct result of the fact that being the party in power is less fun than being the party out of power. Full stop.


I mean you have multiple progressives telling you it has become hostile. Including some of the longest tenured and most prolific posters here.

The thing is if this board is going to be dominated, as it has been recently, by the more centrist leaning wing then what value does it have to the shitprogs? Dealing with the hopeless situation progressives find themselves in is hard enough. You really want us to waste time having good faith discussions here with people on caging kids and the like?

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The board going downhill isn’t a result of being in power because to a shitprog we aren’t in power. The threads are all full of the farthest right members on the forum. Whoever Basic is, CN, jman, Chesspain, etc.

I don’t dislike them and they are entitled to their opinion but when the forum discussions are now dominated by their views that isn’t the place I signed up for.


Maybe it would be good for you? Your definition of “caging kids” is fine with 90% of the country. How are going to function in a society where you can’t tolerate people who believe stuff like that. I realize I’m a weirdo for being ok reading stuff I disagree with, but I still think it’s a good idea.

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Good question. That’s certainly been something the last few months have me thinking about.

I’m quite certain the solution for me isn’t to just throw my hands up, say it’s fine and defend it though. The fact 90% of the country is fine with this is sick:

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I think you’re overstating things a bit using the word “dominated” here.

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No one is saying you should defend it. Argue with the libs.

Would you agree the posting here has shifted right since inauguration day?


I’m not in disagreement with a lot of what you are saying, I just think you’re overstating things a bit. I don’t think the tone of this forum has become anywhere near hard centrist Democrat.


Can you explain why it is an incredibly complex problem that requires locking people up upon crossing an imaginary line for indefinite periods of time? “Incredibly complex problem” is code used by both sides of the aisle to pretty much defend the status quo. Why does this “incredibly complex problem” not extend to the six figures worth of people from Canada here illegally?

At a bare minimum why are asylum proceedings still suspended? Why haven’t we at least gone back to Obama era policy?

Where do you see yourself ideologically, relative to Joe Biden?
  • Roughly the same as Joe Biden
  • Slightly to the left of Joe Biden
  • Very much to the left of Joe Biden
  • Slightly to the right of Joe Biden
  • Very much to the right of Joe Biden

0 voters

Wichita wants revolutionaries not evolutionaries. His characterizations of many here, including himself, are off base because of it.

It’s very much do everything I want or I am taking my ball and going home, damn the consequences. It’s a cop out.

Sometimes life offers tough options and you have to make tough choices, deciding all choices suck thus everyone sucks is pretty spectacular fail.

Instead of pushing for victories that can achieve their goals, they will tilt at windmills, leave disaster in their wake and then blame everyone else.

I would love to know who all these uber straight laced progressives are who got run off. I agree that this place has been hostile to a contingent of people in that direction and I have always tried to be protective over that segment. However they get the most pushback on irrational positions like voting for a third party in Biden vs Trump. I know I don’t view people with that mindset as helping any cause they are just steeped in irrational extremism with no knowledge or stomach for how tough a row might be to hoe.