The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Whatever dude. You are extremely whiney. You keep threatening to ignore me, just do it. I don’t give a fuck how tired you are.

Biden is the lesser of two evils is not your position.

Progiturd with a soft ‘g’.


A couple of former Republicans have switched parties and are now here calling progressives “shitprogs” and a lot of people who call themselves progressives are more offended by “shitlib”.


Lol, I was like the lone democrat posting on the predecessor to this forum 15 years ago when it was all anarchocapitalists. Lol at me ever being anythign other than a democrat.

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Actually, I take that back. You win. I don’t think I’m posting about politics here anymore.

Like, we need to be taxing rich people multiple times. Why is it more tenable to tax income at the federal level, property at the state level, and sales at the local level, instead of income at all 3? Either way, we are taking money from them, and they will fight it.

Taking the Trump line of attack towards Germany

I’m not saying it won’t have the desired effect. And I guess since all tax laws are arbitrary, there really is no “right” or “wrong” when it comes to setting tax policy. Having said that, not taxing the same money twice is something that I think most everyone would consider to be undesirable in a vacuum.

I find both amusing.

Yeah, I don’t think anyone is actually offended.

Another centrist running off a leftist




First search I found returned this…don’t know how reliable data is but looks reasonable.

The point I’m trying to get across is that there are huge cultural/social differences between people’s attitudes in Scandi and the US - it’s hard to think of a wider gulf with the US if you exclude outliers like Cuba - and although Scandis will often moan a little about high taxation (one Danish guy I knew used to joke that they’re in competition with Sweden to see who can have the highest taxes) it’s done in the understanding that it leads to a cohesive society and that one day one of their children may need to fall back onto a generous welfare state.

In the US - well it’s each man/woman for themselves.


Anyone who has unironically used either shitlib or shitprog in a post is not a serious thinker and should be ignored. Doing so is guaranteed to increase the level of debate and your experience on UP.

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Well see if you include the previous 200k tax threshold with this 200k threshold, well you see it’s just like the stimulus, we gave you $600 and now er give you $1400…

Defining the bolded seems pretty important for a fair comparison.

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If it makes you feel any better I stopped mostly reading the main pol threads for the same reason. We have lost or shouted down most of the old school progressive posters we had and replaced them with centrists. If I wanted to read some of the common takes here I would just listen to Pod Save America.

The thing I don’t get about the “Joe is doing his best” crowd is that nothing that gets said here matters in the grand scheme at all. We don’t have to pretend everything is fine to try and win 2022. When I come here and blow off anger at the fact we still have concentration camps at the southern border zero people whose vote I influence see that. I don’t post those takes on social media because I don’t want normies to abstain or vote R as a result of something I say.

As a result this place should be a place where we can be honest about reality. I’m sad it largely has become a place hostile to that lately tbh. And look I can fully admit Biden has been good in some areas. The Covid relief bill which he did not help write or influence much except to help water it down he did sign which was good. That alone makes him the MOST PROGRESSIVE PRESIDENT IN HISTORY or whatever he is being called here now. Symbolically wearing a mask and honoring Covid victims is good.

What I don’t like is everything else. No sign we will make any progress on key reforms. No sign he will push the envelope with executive orders. No sign he will even return to the rather terrible Obama era border and immigration policies. I personally am not a fan of treading water and sitting around jerking off about how great it all is. So I agree with micro that what is the point of people who think the world is still on fire with a different geezer in charge to post here anymore? It’s literally the same cast of 4-5 characters (I won’t name them but I don’t think I need to either) shouting down anyone left of them in every serious thread.

And check my work. I have less than 100 posts in the main pol threads the last two months and even less volume in the last few weeks. I’m not quitting and I’m not trying to make a spectacle of this. However when basically every shitprog on the forum is saying this place sucks lately and everyone here is saying shut up and stop whining well that hits a little close to home with how it goes in the Dem party in the real world also.


Oh please. As if you and Micro and the rest aren’t firing shots as well.