The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK


But what’s probably better (fairer, more collectable, more efficient?) is some form of land tax. If only @Sabo were still posting here to explain how it might work - he was a big advocate of it.

On Sunday my dad declared that people making £10,000 or more are rich and accused me of being a idiot for thinking otherwise because you know they just drink & waste it on Macdonalds l.

I’ve been writing posts in here about him & then deleting them because I just can’t come to disparage this dude, fuck.

They think I’m a crazy socialist for supporting a UBI.

Average life expectancy of men in his area is lower than Iraq or war torn syria ffs. :face_with_thermometer:

Fucking boomers man, he can’t wait to get back to the cruising.


Edit: To think I used to respect this man, ugggg, he made me so angry on Sunday, I think this pandemic and the TV news has changed him too, ffs he used to be a convener in the union.


Yeah, if there is a weakness in the rough sketch of this tax bill IMO it is that it doesnt do enough to really go after the super rich. Add new tax rates at higher income levels, surtax capital gains, and start cracking down on personal offices/personal foundations, trusts, etc.

The reality is that if we want progressive changes then we will need to transition to a society where the professional class is taxed more with the tradeoff (in addition to not having to feel a sense of disgrace about our society) of having a safety net there in case things go wrong. That cannot happen in a world where the rich arent getting soaked. It will be too easy for the guy/gal making $90K a year to vote against tax increases on themselves if the perception is the rich get get off easy, and we are going to need more money from the guy/gal making $90K a year.

Biden himself referred to individuals and individual tax rates.

“Nobody making under 400,000 bucks would have their taxes raised, period, bingo.”

I mean, instead of getting everyone arguing about “the tax bill” it would be way more popular to actually tie the tax increase in the high earners to an actual program for people that need it. This would be way more popular if it was Tax The Rich to Pay For Student Debt Relief Bill, instead of the usual fruitless argument about who is really Rich.

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Biden doing the Trump “sniff” thing. Must go with the office.


But several posters on this website got angry that people didn’t take her seriously.

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I don’t know if sabo was necessarily an advocate of the Georgist land tax, it was more so an example of an alternative to what is proposed in the mainstream today.

IMO, Georgism is more closely related to what people would envision when they think of a wealth tax, than other tax proposals like income tax, VAT, sales tax, etc.

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This fucking guy

I like how the tweet received exactly 420 likes.

They can’t possibly actually think this.


I’m more than a little tired of the rampant dishonest characterizations of my position from you. I’m not even involved in whatever the hell you’re talking about and you’re still going at it.

Probably not. If Biden is willing to scrap tax code changes and do a smaller infrastructure deal then there is probably a deal there somewhere but I don’t think that is what he is looking for out of this exercise.

From the team that brought you “everyone is getting $2,000 when I’m President”.

SALT makes more sense than all of these, imo.

The independent justification would be that you’re kind of taxing the same income twice. Assuming I’m understanding SALT correctly. I may not be. That change didn’t really affect me.

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