The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Posting info here as I can’t find a US press release atm…

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I don’t understand the Biden Administration’s strategy here. They’re apparently planning to break all these proposals into several bills, thereby ensuring they have no chance of passage.

Surely they are smart enough to realize the bills are DOA, so I suppose this makes sense as a "make Republicans be nakedly obstructionist and oppose popular stuff to strengthen the case for filibuster reform” play. Part of me thinks Biden still genuinely thinks he can persuade Republicans, but he bailed from that fantasy pretty quickly on the stimulus so maybe I’m not giving him enough credit.

Like, just lol at this, absolutely nobody believes this will work. Literally nobody. I hope.

And make sure you’re sitting down. THE NEW YORK TIMES PUBLISHED THIS:



This is what I would do.

It’s the media’s way of being fair and balanced. Giving equal weight to “the other side” despite whether they deserve it on the merits, so they can’t be accused of liberal bias.

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I disagree. He is actively seeking to develop the apparatus for safe and swift migrant child placement. Trump purposefully left them to the wolves. It is diametrically opposed within the confines of current law.



I had to read that 3 times but is he…explicitly advocating inhumane treatment of other human beings?

Humane vs Inhumane treatment = “not much different”

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Oh my fucking god Cinema co-wrote a letter to Biden on immigration with John fucking Cornyn. This woman is gonna make Manchin look like FDR.

Let’s pick apart the letter. Here is one proposal contained within in:

To that end, we support DHS creating regional processing facilities. Such facilities would include personnel from all the relevant agencies – CBP, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), FEMA, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), and HHS — and allow for effective and rapid collaboration on issues such as identity verification, medical screenings, credible fear determinations, and asylum interviews. NGOs should have full access to these facilities and migrants held there should receive full legal orientation on their rights and have fair ability to obtain and consult with legal counsel if they so choose.

Is this a bad idea, a good idea, or a flawed idea that has some merit that can be improved upon?

It would be literally impossible for anyone to do better than Biden. You are just falling for the lies from the MSM. But also the MSM focusing on this might make him do bad things just to show he’s not weak. It’s not his fault. You just voted for Trump with that post. If you have a problem with Biden keeping these kids more than 3 days

(which, btw is not


you are paving the way for fascism.

Cue CN saying this kind of dishonestly is not helpful.


No one is saying this shit.


Oh, it was you. You are the one who said the MSM is going to make Biden do bad things.

Dear Trolly,

Explain what you mean by this then?

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You posting has gone seriously downhill lately micro. You need to stop.

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I think the media is trying to whip up an anti-immigrant hysteria. I also think Biden is terrible and we ought to do much better.

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Here’s the part where everyone who jman thinks is a leftist or a shitprog is electing Trump.


He’s not saying anything like that.

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What the actual fuck?

“paving the way for Trump 2.0 to take power again” is nothing like “electing Trump”???