The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Media gonna media


Do the chart with unaccompanied minors though. Isn’t that the current issue?

How am I supposed to interpret this? If apprehensions go down, it could be because fewer people are trying to get across or because we’re just worse at apprehending them. I assume the former effect dominates, but I could see someone arguing the latter.

The media certainly isn’t portraying it that way. It’s fucking wall-to-wall coverage of “BORDER CRISIS FOR BIDEN” bullshit. Like 80k immigrants coming in is going to break America or some dumb shit. People are going to die because the polite media are going to pressure Biden into cracking down on people fleeing from climate disasters largely caused by the US, just completely irresponsible media coverage.


Geez was there any context, statistics or additional graphs with this or are supposed to draw our own conclusions based on this information?

My impression was that the graph was a counterpoint to the outsized media attention on border crossings, which may be high compared to the start of the pandemic but are otherwise at a pretty unremarkable level.

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To me it seems pretty obvious that the ‘border crisis’ is an attempt to shift attention away from Biden doing super popular things like giving Americans money, vaccinating people, etc


I think this is probably true and I think we are also falling for it hook, line and sinker, paving the way for Trump 2.0 to take power again because he’ll juice up the right’s racism and on the left shitprogs will once again go with “well, Biden is just as bad as the republicans, I’d better stay home/vote for the third party.”


I’m not as pessimistic as you but:

lol yup

I saw some stats from an alleged former border agent on Twitter last week. (Trying to find it)

It’s an interesting thread.

Especially these numbers if accurate:


What has happened to this board in the last 3 months.

Like I completely agree the crisis is fabricated. But Biden also isn’t doing much different from Trump so far. Both can be true. Every thread being filled with more and more centrist arblegarble and now calling progressives shitprogs. Hilarious.


This forum spent weeks arguing about what to do about people coming in but as soon as the MSM picks it up it’s a nothing issue. I’m sorry if they aren’t framing the story exactly how lefties want but the rest of us exist too.

The context of those discussions are different. The discussion here was based on a realism vs idealist issue, the media declaring it a crisis now either a straight up republican disinformation campaign (fox) or allowing that campaign to gain credence it doesn’t deserve. They’re claiming it’s some unprecedented crisis, that’s plainly false.


Local Dallas tv station just ran a five minute story with “Border Crisis” Banner. Didn’t hear the story because volume wasn’t on and I am not going to break my decades long streak of not watching lolocal news.

I just find the media’s take on this silly given that they rarely got this agitated over the last four years.

It’s weird the media found their testes after not being able to find it for years. A bunch of flipping cowards.

Sinclair station?

Republicans = Nazis and eDems = Not That Bad is reality. Shitty reality, but still reality. The posting seems to reflect that. I dont really object because the alternative is the 21st century equivalent of standing outside the fence at Auschwitz in 1944 and preaching about how actually anti Semitism was pretty prominent during the Weimer Republic too. I mean, yes, but …

What’s happening now is more like saying everything is fine while millions of people live in Displaced Persons camps, some of them in the very same concentration camps, for a few years because it’s all better now. This might not be millions of people, but the camps aren’t closing in a few years.

Harrison Report - Wikipedia.

Many Jewish displaced persons … are living under guard behind barbed-wire fences … including some of the most notorious concentration camps … had no clothing other than their concentration camp garb… Most of them have been separated three, four or five years and they cannot understand why the liberators should not have undertaken immediately the organized effort to re-unite family groups… Many of the buildings … are clearly unfit for winter…

Displaced persons camps in post–World War II Europe - Wikipedia.


I get this take but the same people i saw screeching about Trump’s terrible immigration policy are now largely going to bat for a slightly better version of the same atrocity.

The brown people swarming the border being a crisis is fake. The real crisis is that we are still doing largely the same things we were a year ago. Maybe that changes. I hope it does.


Indeed. I also want the Biden admin to do more and better.