The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Are there more people there?

And do you think the city is emptying the dumpsters and portapotties often enough?

I doubt any of them, including Cinema, are going to go down with the filibuster ship if the rest of the party and Biden are on board.

Iā€™m also encouraged by the emphasis on HR1 and the fact that DC Statehood is being discussed. It suggests that they understand the stakes. Which, of course they should, since itā€™s their job, but it hasnā€™t always been obvious that they do.


embarrassing take


yes there are a lot more people. in a few places the city has not moved homeless from the most visible public parks and mission districts in a few months, and some (not all) places have portable bathrooms (although no hot water and showers available). and i imagine garbage service. but then there are people living in completely inaccessible locations off the side of the highway.

nextdoor posts appear to have stopped complaining about their presence or existence, and started wringing pearls over found needles and police not responding. the think-of-the-children is quite strong over here. the fact is that police are cutting attention to these calls is of course temporary, and are sabotaging the situation in front of the mayor over DTP.

yes city needs to put in more money into affordable or subsidized housing which isnā€™t going to come fast enough, and at the same time ramp up available services to them now.

i imagine some of sinemaā€™s strategy here is not only creating some conservative cover in AZ, and also ultimately helping the Dems pass SB1 for some help with the left. i donā€™t know anything about her, but the range includes just state party money or money for her race or economic relief money in the form of expanded flood insurance or useful things like student loan fraud forgiveness to the university of phoenix. i hope sheā€™s there talking to schumer about what she wants.

I havenā€™t really seen evidence of Cinema being strategic, she just seems like an unstable weirdo.


most likely just money for her races then.

I meant in that one spot in particular. Homelessness is rising for sure, but also putting bathrooms in one or a few spots only is going to create a concentration. Also, putting bathrooms and dumpsters and not servicing them enough could be worse than not putting them there at all.

There are likely more people there now than before. And I want to couch this conversation and say that I am in no way advocating for destroying unhoused peopleā€™s homes, and believe we should be doing more to help. Unfortunately, cities across America are left trying to solve a problem that isnā€™t their fault. Homelessness is a direct result of our capitalist system and really needs a huge federal response. Leaving it to cash strapped cities and local charities to solve is never going to work.

For this site in particular, I know they empty the dumpsters regularly, and thereā€™s often cleanups going on in the area, but the area never actually gets clean.

Hereā€™s a video from a shitty local source that has an agenda, but itā€™s pretty representative of this particular area. Itā€™s just still shots in a video form:

And if you want to take a stroll down the street prior to this particular areaā€™s homeless problem growing, you can see it here:

Thereā€™s an added bonus to this particular site. Itā€™s actually on WA DoT land. DoT doesnā€™t want to spring for the money to clean it up, and the city doesnā€™t have jurisdiction, so itā€™s in a sort of limbo.

ETA: A friend of a friend is trying to sell their house on this street and havenā€™t been able to. Theyā€™re filing a lawsuit against the city/state about their property value due to the city/stateā€™s negligence.


I would like to see the upcoming infrastructure bill include billions for free housing, and other accoutrements of sustainability for the homeless population. Easy and free access to top mental health services and medication, massive education and training funding, and many other ideas that elude me at present but should be funded by the more well off.


Agreed. Iā€™m not smart enough to know the answers, but I donā€™t think any municipality has solved the problem in America - short of maybe shipping homeless folks somewhere else to become another municipalities problem. So, obviously, cities canā€™t take care of it.

Not sure how a measure like you describe gets passed in America, but I hope it does.

As good as place as any for chuck Toad mentions


Lolololollllll Peggy fucking Noonan. Absolutely perfect.

Look at those lifeless faces.

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I wonder where all the racism in America came from? I guess Trump just said some magic words and turned 35% of people super racist. Certainly the mainstream ā€œliberal resistanceā€ media canā€™t have had anything to do with it. It was just an aberration.


MSM isnā€™t racist more than say you or me.

They are just mind-numbingly idiotic.

Iā€™m mildly surprised the media isnā€™t getting a little better after being rightfully eviscerated on Twitter for the past 5 years. Media elite types are all on Twitter and definitely know these shows are dogshit, I can only conclude they are deliberately perpetuating right wing talking points.

Thereā€™s a lot of sweating maga meme for these people, where they hate Trump but absolutely love their own undeserved place in the social and economic hierarchy.

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How is meet the press not a fox show.

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