The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

I have no idea what you are trying to convey with this.

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I thought it was fairly clear, but since it is not, I wonā€™t belabor the point.

At least 9 people disagreed. Maybe itā€™s you who wasnā€™t clear?

Which is why I conceded that it wasnā€™t clear.

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I donā€™t really have expensive tastes and am for the most part Iā€™m pretty happy with what Iā€™ve got, but one thing that Iā€™d love is to own an professional sports team. So I could blow through a billion easy. Ideally Iā€™d have an NFL team, an NBA team, and an EPL team. How much do I need to buy all of that and still not have to worry because I Jerry Jonesed them into the ground (which absolutely what Iā€™d do)?

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I want it on record that was a jokeā€¦ but I was confused nonetheless.

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Depends on (a) whether you want a particular team or just any team and (b) if you want to own 100% of the team, or just enough to be the majority shareholder, but youā€™re probably looking at a sticker price of between 10 and 15 billion for full ownership.

Bezos could buy every NFL team and have $100 billion (Buffettā€™s net worth) left over.


I need enough money that I can be the GM, run the team however the fuck I please, and be accountable to no one. I assume 51% would cut it, but I donā€™t know who would want to be a co-owner with me under those conditions, so Iā€™d likely need 100%.

And since weā€™re in fantasyland, definitely specific teams (not just any team).


This is basically what Dan Snyder did. Due to him being an insufferable asshole, he will probably get a huge discount on the remaining 49%.

IIRC, Al Davis was able to basically get full control of the Raiders with less than 50% ownership stake.

Well, Iā€™d like to think Iā€™d do a better job than he does, but Iā€™m sure running a team well is hard AF.

While this is true, it required massive scumbaggery.

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If they trip over their dicks on this, gg. Heā€™s saying the right things though.

Iā€™ll believe everything is on the table when I see him punch Mitch McConnell in the face on the Senate floor.


Those are still Trumpā€™s cops. Give President Bartlet a chance.



If one senator killed another could they still vote while on trial?

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