The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

I think they should allow Senators to accumulate the voting power of all the other Senators they kill.



Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with these people?

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The biggest problem with these people is that they are not dead yet. If they just spontaneously keeled over and died, the world would be a better place.

No it wouldn’t.

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All the old ghouls clinging to power trying to keep us in the 90s?

Journalism has had a massive brain drain over the last few decades. Twitter probably hasn’t helped. The cognitive decline of, say, Glenn Greenwald has been much more precipitous than Biden even.


Good point. It’s interesting to track the decline of journalism: number of journalists, their compensation, resources dedicated to really deep investigative reporting, etc. Which coincides with private equity firms doing things like buying up legacy publications, firing most of the staff, and hiring people for peanuts while pursuing a click-bait model to maximize profits.

The other connection to journalism’s decline is the increase in PR and corporate communications jobs. Which leads to quite a bit of “stenography” journalism, where underpaid and over worked journalists copy/paste corporate press releases.



Lots of journalists print things TPTB don’t want printed, but it’s demagogic performance art (SMK is typical of this affect). More of an annoyance to be swatted away than a legitimate and substantive grievance.

What is this? google isn’t showing anything relevant.

Seung Min Kim


An asian woman reporter is an “old ghoul clinging to power”?

If infrastructure week is completed could it be possible for the senator in question just to keep riding that midnight express to nowhere as its illegal to arrest them on the way to or back from the Senate?

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I believe we were both talking about the politicians obviously

The only two people involved in the Tweet I was replying to Bruce’s reply to were Biden and the reporter. I presume you don’t care about Biden’s press conferences.



Oh it wouldn’t. Not our society now. A lot of people desperately want other people to be punished even if it’s counterproductive.

There was that survey… I’ll find it…

ETA - a minority of people, but not that small a minority, would rather have 20000 innocent people go to prison than let 20000 guilty people not be in prison.

Not the point exactly, but lotta bloodthirsty people.