The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Dig UP, stupid


People who think that more should be spent on education think that teachers are awesome, that we should help and pay them more, and we should have more of them.

I think more money should be spent on education because education is important. I think spending more money on education leads to better teaching candidates, better retention of these candidates, better access to technology for students, better facilities and supplies, more opportunities for meaningful excursions, and, therefore, better outcomes for the community writ large.

I must have missed it. Does anybody have Joeā€™s ā€œDow at 33K. Thank you, working hardā€ tweet?


For real, I actually agree in a way that Biden got that elite branding. When Biden said ā€œBuild Back Betterā€, that meant ā€œNothing will fundamentally changeā€ & ā€œIā€™ll veto M4Aā€. Biden has set expectations so low, that when he signs off on a stimmy with temporary cash, and little fundamental changes heā€™s got people pointing at the scoreboard saying: Promises made, promises kept. Donā€™t ask no questions.


His campaign slogan was been ridiculed from the very start. Itā€™s completely meaningless. Who would I even ask questions? All through the election season we had exactly zero Biden supporters on this forum.

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I am one, so Iā€™m the villain here.

Very good.

I donā€™t think the same is true about the police.


his reasoning of M4A costing ā€œ$30T over the next decadeā€ that he told Bernie during the debates looks even more ridiculous now. like we just passed a $2T bill in which we threw tens of billions into private health insurance companies pockets and nobody is asking how we are going to pay for that. But $3T a year for something that would actually make a lasting change is too much?


For a place without any Biden supporters, there sure were a bunch of people that would lose their shit if you suggested not voting for the man. Back in Sept/Oct I suggested threatening to withhold support for Biden and was summarily told to fuck off.


Weā€™re atypical and not necessarily mainstream. The lack of hardcore Biden Bros is telling. I have to go to an internet forum like this to find people who think even somewhat similarly to me. I live in flyover country, so the Democrats I know are closer to Joe Manchin than Bernie Sanders.

You know full well that this wasnā€˜t rooted in support for Biden but in opposition to Trump.


People are motivated by multiple reasons. So, I agree that they hated Trump. My data points for them supporting Biden are that they voted for Biden, and told me to fuck off when I suggested not voting for him. How would we go about distinguishing them from Biden supporters who also voted for Biden and also told me to fuck off?

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I hear itā€™s best to start a negotiating position with ā€œfuck you, we are getting everything we wantā€ and then negotiating to ā€œwe are going to kill youā€. Apparently, Joe studied at the same school.

By the reason they give why someone should vote for Biden. If they say Biden is terrible/meh but Trump is an existential threat then they are not Biden supporters in my book.


And nothing has changed in that regard. Not voting for him would have been insane. Advocating that does not make one a Biden supporter.


Letā€™s say in 2024 ā€œPolitician Xā€ runs for office. Prior to the election, ā€œPerson Bā€ suggests not supporting them for office, and I respond by 1) telling Person B to fuck off, 2) stating that not voting for Politician X is insane, and 3) I then vote for Politician X.

If six months after the election, Person B states that I am a Politician X supporter, but I claim that I was not a supporter of Politician X, would you believe me?

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Man fuck this common core bullshit


Letā€™s say in 2024 ā€œPolitician Xā€ and ā€œPolitician Yā€ run for office. Prior to the election, it becomes clear that ā€œPolitician Xā€ is an existential threat while ā€œPolitician Yā€ is a bog-standard shitty mainstream politician. ā€œPerson Bā€ suggests not supporting ā€œPolitician Xā€ for office, and you respond by telling Person B to fuck off.

If six months after the election, Person B states that you are a Politician X supporter, but you claim that you were not a supporter of Politician X, are you just a fart-smelling creator of semantic nonsense riddles?

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