The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK



The other half of the children are supposed to lift themselves up by their tiny bootstraps.


How many weeks will Fox News spend covering the boom microphone?

Me too

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Hmm I saw a TikTok w a guy who shoe polished on the back of his SUV how much inflation has gone up because slaves used to only cost like $2 and now cost 27 million.

Something stupid like that. I guess thatā€™s a real world meme?

This is actually progress


The whole pearl clutching over the slogan is just standard Democratic Pre negotiating caving giving away everything.

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with any luck sheā€™ll be out of the senate

Fair point, that being said itā€™s far easier to negotiate with larger majorities.

Thats only if you buy the shitlibs story that defund the police is why they lost. I think its more to the fact they offered their constituents nothing in return and ran horrible campaigns and spent no money on digital.

Imagine not blitzing Facebook. More than half of America gets their news from FB,

I can accept defund the police was a bad slogan but I absolutely do not accept thats why the shitlibs lost. I remember AOC posted a stats that showed younger house reps who supported M4A won all their toss up races and even won in some +3 and +4 Rep districts. Not just because they supported M4A but they used digital and ran good campaigns.

I think the centrists lost because they were bad candidates who ran bad campaigns and defund the police was a way to deflect responsibility and blame the left like they always do.

I highly, highly doubt people were like well Iā€™d vote for this person but they want to defund the police because not a single one of them endorsed that.


Like is there any evidence for these people losing because of defund the police other than them saying so? And other centrists wanting it to be that instead of the fact they had shit policies and ran shit campaigns?

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The former CIA officer congresswoman who won her re-election by .2% less than last time said that DTP hurt her in the election. People who work[ed] for the CIA are known to always tell the truth and be allies for oppressed people around the world, so DTP activists should take her criticisms to heart, and stop saying DTP.

Funny that people who shit on DTP arenā€™t asking 20k questions about what the fuck ā€œBuild Back Betterā€ means in conjunction with Biden saying that heā€™d veto M4A.


Biden just passed a $1.9 trillion bill with 70% public approval. Stimmies hit today. Doesnā€™t seem apropos to interrogate his ineffective branding aorn

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Build Back Better is elite sloganeering. Undefeated.


Well I think itā€™s fair to say that defund the police stuff isnā€™t the only reason why democrats struggled, but I donā€™t think you can dismiss the unpopularity of it out of hand either


This is the same trope used by anti-education right wing activists.

Why spend more on education when we have already spent so much with bad results, they say.