The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Here we go. This is the ballgame.


I’m sorry but this woman needs to go peacefully in her sleep.

Who in fuck are these people who would want to spend their twilight years separated like that? I can’t even comprehend it.

Narcissistic psychopaths. Absolute madness. Also DiFi is clearly declining mentally, imagine not wanting to be with your spouse while that accelerates.

While this is obviously possible the text of the 15th Amendment reads:

“The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.”

Being an absurdly wealthy ambassador’s wife sounds like a blast, why would you not ever leap at a shot to retire and do that? Let him be the ambassador of Bermuda or some shit. How much fun is doing whatever DiFi does? Is she not tired of that?

They’re scared. I’m not ready to say it’s happening, but lots of momentum right now.

They’re definitely holding out for some pork or whatnot.

getting concerned that schumer is going to blow it somehow.

also, i wonder if some states are just going to violate the law, and do the whole “see you in scotus” dog and pony show.

we are basically drawing to runner-runner justices kicking the bucket.

don’t you riverman this, rm!


can CA recall a sitting senator? maybe they should.

Now I can’t stop thinking about how awesome it would be to retire and be an ambassador’s spouse and go read cozy mysteries in Sardinia or wherever. How much of a corporate ghoul do you have to be to want to stay in DC and putz around all day with lobbyists instead?

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She probably just forgets that she agreed to step down.

Stiglitz and Goodman are bosses and the furthest thing from demE slappies. Very positive review of the $1.9T bill.


The comments are pretty sad.

It’ll only lift half the children out of poverty if the program is continued so the battle for that isn’t done and even though it’s harder to get rid of a program that’s started I don’t think it’s a guarantee we get to keep it

Also just so people are aware our poverty line levels can be pretty low depending on where you live. So while a family of 4 might get $5,600 which will push them above $26,500 for the year and “bring them out of poverty” it will vary on how helpful that is depending on location. Still great a lot of people are getting help though


Tying voting rights to campaign finance reform seems like an awful, awful idea.

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$1,400 hit my account this morning. Thanks Obiden.