The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK


good luck indexing that tho

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Weā€™ll see, I think maybe we can get her on board with something Manchin approves of, like some kinda modified filibuster thing.

How does it work if its still in place but people have to talk? Do we just have to wait out 1 person talking and once that is done we can do the bill? Or can they just switch off forever?

Reps will throw everything at stopping this. This is why Mitch was going to the walls for no filibuster agreement, they know the new voter suppression is everything,

Itā€™s basically a fight to the death for both parties. If dems pass HR1 Reps probably arenā€™t going to have real power for a long time, if dems donā€™t pass it theyā€™re toast for a long time.

Smart money obviously on the reps despite dems having the advantage of the trifecta.

Regardless of the actual merit of the current COVID bill, Democrats ought to spin it as a great thing and a major victory.


I was going to say pretty much the same thing as Glassman, but does this answer your question?

With a filibuster, they donā€™t have an agenda. Get the nominees confirmed and get some judges through, then do it.

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the fillibuster rules are 100% arbitrary, thereā€™s no reason they have to make it so that they canā€™t do anything else while ted cruz is peeing into a diaper


Well if Manchin is willing to put on real restrictions I think weā€™re in business. Each person gets one go, you have to talk about the bill, no Dr. Suess shit, no bathroom breaks or someone bringing you water.

With HR1 they will get all 50, but still even if its like a month HR1 is more than worth it.

Confirm the important people and go. We need this ASAP. HR1 is literally everything.

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Get ready for 3.5 years of this. Donā€™t recall seeing too many of these pieces pre-2021!

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Lol he thinks this is a jab but recent economic theory is essentially proving these to be true.

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I think Manchin very much wants to ā€œtake away the involvement of the minority.ā€

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Iā€™m confused by this. So the minimum wage will always be 40% or more than where it should be?

$15 isnā€™t really enough any more especially given implementation lead time.

Accepting an $11 minimum wage tied to inflation pretty much guarantees minimum wage not being enough forever.

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thats going to be a tough sell to the senator from the middle of nowhere

Thatā€™s the thing. A $15 minimum wage on their schedule is already a massive concession.

$11 is ridiculous and should not be seriously considered. Be better off letting states fight that out then giving them a horrible get out of jail free card at $11 an hour.

If they passed this $11 an hour with adjustments, how many decades will it be before any sort of change is considered? I am guessing at least three.

But this is the problem, this $15 minimum wage idea came out, and it was a huge compromise out if the gate. But now it is just viewed as a high opening bid to a negotiation.

$15 an hour IS the compromise. And it is a big one.

The minimum needs to be $15 an hour that is also adjusted. With this $11 proposal when would it pass $15 an hour? 2035?


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ā€œCome on Bob we just voted on minimum wage abc raised it substantially. Time to move on to other agenda itemsā€.

You pass a mediocre bill like that and you let all of the willpower out of the sails to address it again for a very long time.

Manchin is not revisiting the minimum wage again in a year or two if they passed something now.


Not to be a dick, but you can raise it later.

Political reality is your choice is between 7.25 and 11, 15 is not an option unless you win election. Passing the lower increase helps with the election process.

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i donā€™t think so. if $15 fails on its own this year, manchin can say the same exact thing and any progress is at least a year away

Really long thread worth reading. Iā€™m not sure I agree but there are, at minimum, some good points here.