The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

They can’t because of the filibuster. But they absolutely should put a straight minimum wage bill up for a vote to end debate. I’m pretty confident Sanders is going to do that. It will not attract the 10 r4epublicans it needs and it will fail. I predict every other dem besides Synema and Manchin vote for ending debate.

In which @Vict0ar attributes noble intentions to Mitch McConnell.


It’s the largest progressive bill in history. The Cares act was chock full of bullshit giveaways to the rich. The actual amount of money in the cares act that went to progressive causes (basically just the unemployment and direct checks) was far lower.

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I read a take on the $15 min wage bill from a political point and honestly I agree even though I’ve been the biggest proponent of popular skinny bills. When you know that there are dems that are going to vote against it, it becomes a bad idea.

A couple of those senators were yes votes before this. But when you force the bill, those senators who feel allied to Manchin feel the need to give him and especially Biden cover. Everyone knows this failed because Biden didn’t want to force the issue onto the bill.

So by forcing it here, you got a bunch of likely yes switching their votes to no’s to give cover. Now the bill looks way more insurmountable because people are smucks and wanted to give their friends cover.

All it did was make the bill harder to pass than it is, give cover to biden who really fucked up, and pissed off centrists who are going to take a political hit for this now and are probably less likely to vote for stuff in the future.

To be clear, vote every single person who voted no, fuck Biden for not forcing it, but it was a bad play because this was always going to happen.

Lotta people think progressive/left is just measured in dollars from the government. I would take Germany’s laws about worker representation on the boards of corporations over any minimum wage laws.


Yeah this gives me a little hope now.

I think we can convince Cinema to do that same thing for voting rights stuff because that directly fucks her. AZ is passing some of the worst laws in the country. No chance she can win as a Dem under the new laws, and these people have to at least be worried they can’t win a Republican primary after voting to impeach Trump.

this is going to be very interesting indeed. VA min wage is currently $1.50 less than WV, but on 5/1 it will get bumped to be $.75 more than WV (not indexed). it’s a local economic experiment how workforce and business along the border will be affected. both democrats and progressives all think that VA workers will benefit almost immediately, and tacking on a possible $11 indexed min wage in the near future on both sides of the border could produce another interesting datapoint.

I think a bill to raise the minimum wage to $11 gets more than 50 votes in the Senate and some smaller amount might actually get almost all Republican votes, plus a bunch of Democratic now for being insufficient. A radical centrist might support exactly that, a raise to an amount that gets some nay votes from both the right and the left.

The Dems have a thin majority. It might be a self-own to create wedge issues out of nowhere, creating divisions for Republicans to exploit. The votes that you want to see to put people on the record are the ones which create electoral problems for Republicans in 2022. Party leadership isn’t going to push votes that turn Democrats into targets for primary challenges.

Yeah how does that not happen yesterday?

If there was a bill to raise the minimum wage to $11 by 2025, then index it to inflation, would you vote
  • Yes
  • No, because it needs to be bigger
  • No, for another reason
  • Don’t know/Don’t care

0 voters

By 2025? Fuck that. Thought it was gonna be closer to immediate, not be undone by the next Republican president before it takes effect.


I happen to agree, but there is no way of knowing this for sure.

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That’s what the $15 was scheduled for.

I mean they would need congress too. Though very possible/likely they will if we don’t get voter protection. I kind of doubt they would if it was that far along, too popular. It’s not like donors are beating their doors down over this, no legit donor is paying less than that anyways.

Problem is you’re never getting 10 votes from republicans on this because they won’t give Biden a win.

yeah i’ll vote for it, and immediately try to accelerate 2025 or $15 in the next bill.

From 2002:


It’s unclear to me whether she has any awareness whatsoever of:

  • the very real chance she gets primaried


  • the fact she’s definitely toast without voting rights passing

She just seems like a button mashing dumbass.

Maybe she just votes her conscience without regard for electoral consequences.