The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

That’s not the stimulus being bad it’s America being bad. Like you said, it is a bandaid but nobody argues putting the bandaid on was a bad idea because the wound ends up causing the patient to die. The bandaid provides more time to fix the source issue.

You are 100% correct the larger problems still exist and the stimulus does little to fix those but that was never its role. Much more work than a budget reconciliation is required to fix the bigger issues.



The stimulus is the third most popular bill by government in decades. It has 71% approval.


Bottom line, 2020 was an anti-trump vote more than anything else. It’s why house seats were lost and the senate was a squeaker.

2022 is hard to gauge. No trump on the ballot to drive either side.

With the filibuster in place this is about as we could have hoped for. Stupid had to negatiate with D morons. But better they be bad Ds than any kind of Rs.

Deal w Manchin. Primary Cinema.

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Wow 30% no

What a shock

Mansheen on CNN “not one of 100 senators doesn’t want to raise the minimum wage”.

This guy is so awful.

But what are the odds they put a straight minimum wage Bill up for a vote.

Congress regardless of party is no longer interested in taking tough votes and forcing their best friends make hard, public choices. They all cover for each other.

If the democrats would put all these ideas up for votes, forcing everyone on the record, that would be amazing. But they won’t. They get to vote on it like they did in this case but with the weasel out of not actually having directly voted no on it.

Congress didn’t always bask in the bipartisanship alliance of never voting on anything important that won’t pass. And there are exceptions (see thumbs down). But these exceptions just solidify that it will never happen again.

I get why republicans dance on this obstructionist pin but it makes zero sense for democrats who claim to want to help people. Get republicans and democrats alike on the record. Make them vote no directly on a minimum wage bill. Right now they get to do it without any accountability.

I think it is more important than ever for democrats to do this to check other democrats. But almost none of them are participating in good faith and this want the favor of coverage to be returned to them in the future when they don’t want to pass something that helps Americans. How many senators really walk that walk? I can think of one off the top of my head. There may be more but it is no more than a handful. Most of them don’t want to do ANYTHING to hold each other accountable.


It depends what you are measuring. Single bill or overall spending. 2020 covid spending was like $3.5 trillion. I’m not sure what the number will be this year but certainly higher.

This makes my rambling point above for me,

Clean Bill, simple, straight forward. Make everyone vote in it. They will not do it.

Mansheen is lying. No bill of any kind that raises the minimum wage one penny gets a single republican vote.

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The CARES act was 2.2T, and Trump gave another like 400 Billion in PPP funds a few months later. Why are you making this up?

Let’s be honest though, it doesn’t get 50 democrat votes either, or probably 48. Maybe 45 but realistically no.

Unfortunately regardless of partisanship, they all have each other’s backs before the American people. Working together to keep each other in office. It is all Quid Pro Quo.

Even with MTG in the house, they could barely get anyone to want to do anything substantive.

And I am not ranting about new problems with congress. These issues have existed pretty much my whole life. It takes a Trump like excess in the presidency to really take my focus off how horrible congress is.

21st century republicans are pure obstructionists, so when they have power I know exactly what to expect. Doesn’t mean I like it or am okay with it, it is what it is. But sometimes I think the GOP is being more transparent and honest with their actions in congress than the democrats.

This is why I find all the kneeling to Manchin impossible to take. Plenty of people say he is entrenched and safe in WV so there is no point pushing him. The problem is by doing nothing they do not give the people in WV the opportunity to do anything else.

Create clear and concise legislation and force people on the record. It is all so frustrating. And I get why none of them want to do that. We just can’t let them off the hook and pretend like any of them care about helping the average American.

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I’m not making it up but may have fallen for some propaganda.

Looking into this further it seems like a technical claim that this $1.9 is still the largest in real dollars for one time is true but as you point out the Care Act was bigger in the end.

Also interesting, which I hadn’t looked into, is it’s size compared to GDP. On this measure several countries seem to have done larger stimulus bills even though they were smaller in real dollars.

This doesn’t change my overall point but does make me more cautious when taking talking points at face value.

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I’m not denying that. The comment was about 2022, after the immediate desperation of the crisis has hopefully passed or at least waned, what is the sales pitch when all the major structural problems (climate change, wealth inequality, health care) are all worse than when the Dems had both houses plus the WH.

This is progress, and correct. I’m telling you, this guy won’t be the lone holdout.

Fucking Cinema is the real end boss here.


machin just said on sleepy-eyes chuck todd’s show that he’s open to the pvn fillibuster reform plan (i.e. get rid of the lazy fillibuster and make em stand up and talk if they want to block it)

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also if they do this they need to eliminate any possibility of some dumb tag-team thing where cruz talks for 2 hours and then rand shows up for his shift or whatever

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He also said he’s good with an $11 minimum wage, indexed to inflation. Take the W.


This has to be a snap call

They should add a cost of living factor where for every 2% over a baseline the minimum wage is raised 1% in that area up to a maximum of 50%. So you get $11 in the middle of nowhere but $16.50 in SF/NYC.