The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

I can certainly imagine republican senator joe manchin and the end of any senate appointments for the rest of joe Biden’s term!

I was firmly in the camp than Manchin would not do this because he would be toast in a Republican primary, plus the fact that he has been with dems for so long I can’t see him doing it at the end of his career, but after this I’m not so certain. If Republicans went all out trying to recruit him it’s possible they could convince him. And if he feels the dems are pushing him too far left, it’s certainly does it as a simple fuck you to them.

I’m much more worried about Cinema. She seems legit crazy, is young, and doesn’t seem at all concerned with the fact that her state is about to have some of the worst voter suppression in the country. The Republican theatrics voting down the min wage was just the icing on the cake.

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It’s effective.

Your opinion of yourself compared to others is pretty funny tbh. The amount of arrogance it takes to openly declare anyone who disagrees with you slightly as ‘mewling pissants’ is staggering.


You know you fucked up when a doctor calls you arrogant.


In his defense, some of you not only read his posts, but respond to him. Kinda makes you mewling pissants.


[quote=“StimAbuser, post:4328, topic:3876, full:true”]The Republican theatrics voting down the min wage was just the icing on the cake.

No pun intended


Wait how does this factor in?

Sure, but Old Joe, Mayor Pete and Liz Warren haven’t yet died for our sins, so we must all suffer slings and arrows because we’re shitlibs.

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More specifically, the narrative at the time is that many MAGA dipshits basically thought, “Well if Trump says it was rigged, then it was rigged. And there is no point in voting in a rigged election, so I’m not voting”.

Trump could have disavowed such nonsense, but to do so would have contradicted his stolen election narrative and he would have had to admit that he lost. So, that was never going to happen.

I think the real issue is that they are amplifying disingenuous Republican talking points, while thinking they’re fighting the good fight from the left.

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I like Clovis and Caffeine. I respect them. But having a Canadian and a doctor lecture the rest of us about how we should eat our shit sandwich and be happy with it will never sit well with me. You are both light years better off than the average American.


Describing my posts as ‘you should eat our shit sandwich and be happy with it’ is absurd and seems like misdirected anger more than anything else.

Maybe that’s fair but summing up this bill as a massive win seems farcical to me considering where most of the players stood on the key issues in the recent election cycle.

Like sure this bill is better than the status quo. The problem is it signals literally nothing else coming. That’s disasterous on a longer term level where the opposition party has gone full open lunatic nazi mode. They declined to do the easy stuff when it only took 50 votes and whittled the benefits down for no reason. We are fucked.


I don’t agree with your description of the status quo before the election. Republicans didn’t go for a third stimulus when it likely would have guaranteed their senate majority. They didn’t go for it when it could have given Trump a win. After the election, Democrats were sitting 48-50 needing to sweep GA and doing it. Every sane person would have snap accepted this bill before the GA election.

Even after the 50-50 senate was grabbed, everyone knew you would have to drag along the worst democrat senator to do something, and that would be tough.

As for this being a signal that democrats weren’t going to ‘literally nothing else’ (if you mean tossing the filibuster, VRA, min wage etc), I’d argue that there was never any signal that was going to happen in the first place.

It sounds like the only place we disagree is when Dems said stuff like:

$2000 checks
Raise the minimum wage

That they actually meant it. Of course this is better than what the Republicans want. An awful lot of Dems including Biden and Sinema though ran on raising the minimum wage. They aren’t doing it. An awful lot of Dems ran on vote for us and you get $2k checks. They aren’t doing it.

Your last paragraph tells me you mostly agree with me. Big change isn’t happening.


Come on witchita nobody thought huge change was coming with Biden. You are retconning a little here.

It’s not a massive win but it’s also not a crushing defeat and it’s probably a lot closer to the most progressive bill that can be passed in a Senate where Joe Manchin is the 50th vote than some people here seem to believe.