The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Isnt that what a press secretary is for? How many presidents gave daily pressers just to hear themselves talk before Trump?

At a certain point the WAAF attitude that nearly everyone on this board has is unhealthy. This was a good bill that helps a lot of people that just passed.

Biden sniffers get so mad when you say the words “cognitive decline”. Just talk about how he is a doddering old fool who just told a child that she had nothing to fear from coronavirus as he opens up the country during a pandemic

“This bill is so historically large” Yeah and this pandemic is even more historically deadly and the United States has given less aid than any other country in the world. People with zero risk of going broke sit on forums and cry that the politicians fucking over the poor aren’t getting the proper credit for passing a bill that still leaves plenty of folks hungry on the streets


A quick google reveals that Obama held 11 during his first year as President. It’s just completely clear that Biden is not up to the moment and was installed because nostalgia made him the best candidate to unite the neoliberal clans and low-info voters.


So approximately 1 a month, and Biden has been in office for 1 month and 2 weeks.

So… I’m missing where the problem is here

Edit: oh also, he hosted a press roundtable just yesterday so hes… exactly on pace for the 11 that Obama had in year one.

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The problem isn’t that Biden doesn’t give press conferences or is old. It’s that he’s not fighting for better policy.


Right. This I can agree on. Let’s all maybe not try to be as anti-intellectual as the people on the other side, huh?


imagine what might happen if the Democrats put pressure on their own, like the Republicans consistently do (FFS they censured like half their party for opposing Trump)


Of course it is, but it is also grounded in reality and has been correct the vast majority of the time.

I started 2016 super optimistic, one of the most optimistic on this board. I legit thought Trump was going to cause a massive progressive backlash lmao. Even the election, I thought we’d win by 10 points, win TX, FL, get 53+ senate seats.

I’m not pessimistic by nature, but when reality slams you in the face repeatedly wtf else are you supposed to do? I mean Trump made HUGE gains with minorities and young people.

What are the consequences of being censured?

at least a higher chance of being primaried from the right.

Your family writes you a letter disowning you and youre entire community and social circle hates you, and you might get killed by a MAGA crazy.

Plus yeah getting primaried from the right

Let’s hope there be anything equivalent on the Democratic side.

Sure but how successful are these primaries compared to non-censured incumbents? What I want to know is if they are anymore effective than a stern Pelosi letter.

No firing squad that I can see. Just people posting on an obscure corner of the internet.

Some people here don’t self identify as dems and therefore don’t have a negative reaction to posts that are critical of them.

Other posters believe in the quantum butterfly effect–that posts on UP that aren’t sufficiently defending dems will somehow lead to a chain of events that changes the results of the next election.

Nobody has ever been able to explain exactly how that works, but it hasn’t diminished some people’s belief that the rest of us need them on that wall monitoring our messaging and defending dems from criticism from the left.


I’m completely fine with the left doing all those things to people who oppose a living wage, M4A, and other stuff that would allow poor people to live with dignity. In fact I think we need to be doing those things.

Well minus the chance you get killed by a left wing crazy… maybe.

No idea but it’s enough to keep 99% of them in line.

The “WAAF” crowd is mostly concerned about the people who are actually fucked in this country, the 7 dollar an hour heroes that make key systems work in this country. The mewling pissants that cry that politicians aren’t getting the proper credit are professional class, work from home, completely removed from the human suffering types that simply don’t care that people will die on the streets because this bill isn’t big enough.

I’d trust the “WAAF” crowd to take care of everyone if they made it into office. Not so sure about the others!


Why are 100% of your counter arguments always just personal attacks and generalization about your opponents character?

Why not, you know, make an actual evidence based argument?

The parties are assymetric.

When you fail the most vulnerable will be made into a meme for 2022

Wait, is there someone around who thinks he isn’t in cognitive decline? Compared to something like where he was at the beginning of his first VP term in '09.

The debate is over how much and whether the amount matters with respect to the things he needs to do. Or at least that is what it should be. The man is in his late 70s; obviously he is in cognitive decline. Everyone is at that point.