The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

But not the nice cake.

I mean if Cinema is 80% to win re-election and her primary challenger is only 50% it’s worth the risk to get a real dem in there imo

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Yeah, I’m not even sure she’s better than a random Republican after seeing that video. She took actual pleasure in making working people suffer, and in doing so budged many spots in line for the guillotine.


I agree it’s frustratingly hard. I disagree that it’s the only road forward or the only meaningful way to deal with reality.

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Supporting a third party candidate in a two party system is not a rational path to accomplishing anything.

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Good call AFL-CIO


Some have argued that the two-party system is a major impediment towards doing what is necessary.

I would argue that moving to a new system requires super-majority buy-in. This means changing minds of people who are currently aligned with the Republican Party. Democrats are much more likely than Republicans to vote against their own electoral self-interest out of some sense of principle, so it is more important to give Republicans a self-interested reason to oppose the two-party system.

The best way to do that is for them to lose and to see change as their only chance of winning. A Democratic coalition that holds together and exploits divisions with a Republican Party divided into Trumpists and anti-Trumpers is probably the best chance of doing that.

I see splitting the Republican Party while pushing the Democratic Party as far to the left as possible as the best avenue for necessary change. It may not be the only road, but it is probably the one with the best chance of success.

I know people want to be able to just vote their principles, but there is probably no fair voting system that is not vulnerable to strategic voting, so refusing to consider voting strategy just makes one’s vote less powerful.


Title is a hat on a hat


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Ya we are on same page for sure. I find it interesting though that the research shows people don’t tend to use their own economic interests as a major factor in voting. I don’t know any research to back this up but I would hypothesize in the US given “The American Dream” people are even more likely to vote for policy that helps rich people because everyone thinks they will be rich one day.

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…except for when it comes to Venezuela, and then we confirmed his dumbfuck executive order.


Fixed :joy:

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Also Biden hasn’t put in his own executive order to change trumps ridiculous 15,000 refugee cap which is currently helping leave more refugees in limbo (on top of the covid delays).

We are also deporting, well actually expelling since that’s different legally and gets around the deportation moratorium (yay), Haitians and knowingly putting them at risk of possible violence returning to Haiti.


Why is she dressed like a teenager and thumbs downing like she’s an anime character? That was weirdly awkward.


AZ was .3% in 2020 with state R’s thinking how to never let that happen again and people spiking footballs it’ll be blue forever.

many people think 22’s gonna be a R destruction of dems, and well manchin going full manchin isn’t gonna help

carper cancels portman but this still wastes a day thanks joe

Skipping the last 100 posts but how is any of this remotely surprising. This is who dems are and have been for decades. If you shill for them you are part of the problem.