The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

What the fuck is wrong with this woman?


+1. Absolutely done voting if thereā€™s not going to be any difference between the parties.

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All true but ā€¦

AOC is a Dem. She ran against the party favorite and won. There are paths to getting actual progressive politicians elected within the Dem party. Its frustratingly hard and the party elites suck, but its the only road that goes anywhere. Doing the hard work to elect AOC clones in the Dem party is the only meaningful way of dealing with the reality.


The parties arenā€™t the same. Every good politician in the Federal government is a Dem.


he tried to change the constitution to get around term limits, and only narrowly lost that. i get he might be popular compared to other interested parties, but thatā€™s authoritarian AF.

Sinema is worse than Manchin and gets 1/10th the press.


How many is this one going to be and more importantly, how much of that is actually going to get to people who need it? Frankly if it was up to Trump he probably wouldā€™ve given everyone $2K without thinking about it twice and Iā€™m supposed to feel good about these shit libs lowballing everyone?

Iā€™m aware that I have to vote Dem because the other side is a bunch of fascists but I contributed to Sinemaā€™s campaign and I could not be more disappointed in her as my Senator.


She talks less. Manchin makes a point of saying these things so he gets attacked from the left which he thinks makes him look good in WV


Because itā€™s not up to ā€œhimā€, itā€™s up to Congress. We voted in Biden and a Dem congress and what are they doing for people so far? What are you even arguing with me? Democrats are vastly superior to Republicans but they still are well below replacement level.

He also is in a state where Trump won by 50 or whatever. Biden won Arizona and Kelly voted for this, showing that we donā€™t have to live with some clown like Sinema.

Also lol at both of Delawareā€™s Senators voting against this. Fucking corrupt ass business-centered state. Nuke it from orbit.

Mitch told him to fuck off.

Oh I 100% agree. There is no reason for Cinema to be like this. She just flat out sucks ass.

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Iā€™m not ready to declare AZ some safe Dem state yet. Both Sinema and Kelly ran against WOAT McSally and Trump isnā€™t terribly popular here, at least not like some other R states. Kelly is married to Gabby Giffords who was a really popular congresswoman here before being shot. The Republican governor absolutely crushed his re-election in 18 when Sinema won. Itā€™s possible demographics are changing as young people move to the Phoenix area but Iā€™m not sold that we can just primary Sinema and hold that seat.

Ok fine I was being hyperbolic. Both suck though. One is just much much worse.

That woman is evil. Iā€™m so full of rage seeing that video. Lol thinking sheā€™s ever nuking filibuster

ā€œLet them eat cakeā€

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The funny part is AZ minimum wage is 12/hr, so this is like nothing.

NH is 7.25 ā€“ much bigger deal there.