The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

i am not supporting third-party simply out of blind rage until we get ranked choice voting. speaking of toxic brand

What if I was?

Maybe consider supporting a third party that won’t compromise on the dignity of poor people, or who won’t green light military budgets to bomb the Middle East before the people are taken care of.

Blind rage, lmao. Of course what can you expect from a troll who makes his name “vote for socialists” yet doesn’t support Evo

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Voting for a party that lets this slide? Couldn’t be me

What a sociopath


The reality is that the Dems and GOP are both pro-capitalism business parties who serve the same corporate interests that are driving us off the cliff of environmental destruction while enforcing a system that forces our fellow citizens and humans around the world into debt peonage as they privatize the resources that humans need for survival. Refusing to vote for either one is dealing with reality.

Even 100 years ago people knew what voting D or R meant.


In a multi-party system, coalitions are normally formed after the election. Here, they are effectively formed before the election.

Manchin/Sinema/Kelly/King function as a de facto third party and it’s better to view them as not really Democrats but also definitely not Republicans. If we had a multi-party system, the progressive/leftist party or parties would probably still have to negotiate and compromise with moderate/centrist parties in order to form a majority and there’s a good chance we probably end up with something similar to what we have now and some chance that the center instead chooses to form a center-right coalition.

Their definition of “socialist” is the liberalized version so always think of their name as having an * at the end and not pay it any attention lol

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Shitlibs the next few poasts…:thinking:

evo morales? you must be joking. don’t know enough about how much he accomplished 2006-2018, but the power grab and election shenanigans is disqualifying enough.

Any idea whether they will backdate tax forgiveness for unemployment to 2020?

Next time someone asks me to vote for a dem I’m going to do that thumbs down move


lmao wtf

how is this real???

I thought thats what it meant, that they were going to forgive your first 10k of unemployment starting in 2020. At least I hope so, it’d be fucking retarded to do it for future unemployment when tax season is about to hit but lol dems so who knows.

Girl boss!!! Also pretty sick that it looks like she’s trying to copy McCain’s move when he voted against destroying Obamacare but here she’s doing it to deny people a living wage


The election “shenanigans” was mostly OAS bull shit used as cover to allow a power grab by US business friendly interests. People then took to the streets demanding elections that Evo’s party won.

Such as…

Tax season already hit for a lot of people, especially those who need to use 2020 taxes for the next stimulus.

Gonna be a lot of amended tax returns after this passes

No clue but she also did this performative ghoulish shit right before that vote