The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

The we need about 30 staceys to make a huge push in 2022 to increase margins and try to gain some part of state governments, especially state houses.

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Ok, maybe that wasn’t the best way to put it. But what things does Manchin believe in that Romney doesn’t? I’m actually really asking here. I haven’t paid much attention to Manchin before the last 6 months or so.

It depends. If they think Trump is bad, then Dem. Otherwise, they should be in GOP.

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The real test of your conviction is whether or not you’d bet your Topshot collection and Dapper balance.


In the past, Romney has said that Citizens United was correctly decided and he has supported Obamacare repeal and partially privatizing Social Security, while having a general Republican support for tax cuts for the wealthy. Manchin has been critical of Citizens United, has supported expanding Obamacare even if he isn’t a vote for Medicare For All, opposes privatizing Social Security, and opposed the Trump tax cuts.

Manchin is not liberal on social issues, but he comes across as weary of things that he thinks are settled issues and doesn’t want to waste time on bills that won’t pass in those areas. You can probably get him to vote with Democrats on most economic issues, subject to constraints about the deficit and his desire to work within existing procedures and norms, hence his opposition to court-packing or nuking the filibuster, and you can count on him to protect entitlement programs that Republicans want to cut.

My belief is that voters who are neither liberal Democrats nor conservative Republicans should vote for the party which would most be willing to have someone like them as a candidate for political office.


Not sure where to put this, but it is worth reading. The latest David Shor.

He argues we lost Hispanics with “defund the police” and talking about socialism. His advice, as always, is to run Democrats who are basically Republicans.

They can’t even pass the stuff they claim they want. There has been no demonstration by the collective to care about any voters rights.

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So he should he a democrat because he doesn’t like to revisit things? Seems like a pretty weak justification.

I am not a democrat yet I am much more of a democrat than Manchin. In fact it is not even a little close.

What’s a Democrat? I believe there is and ought to be such a thing as a non-liberal Democrat.

This is the standard belief among my lower 30s, professionally employed, heavily democrat leaning friend group. Many of them have already pivoted to saying Biden’s no better than Trump and making fun of gender fluidity. WAAF.

To give him some credit, he hammers away at the absolute necessity of adding states and passing redistricting reform. However he doesn’t seem to get that the types of candidates he is advocating for don’t support doing those things.

Also this is a good point:


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I don’t think that was his advice at all.

That’s probably fair.

Edit: after reading more carefully you’re right, he doesn’t say that at all. He wants liberals to talk about stuff moderates like.

Separately, this is some dark shit.



lol dems don’t even want felons to vote


Read her autobiography about a month ago, great and easy read if you haven’t had the chance


In a shocking twist the Dems suck and are purposeful losers with or without power.

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I mean election security is Republicans #1 issue and they will frame it as dems cheating etc so at least the base will care strongly, and I think that will overflow to independents and swing voters.

Build the structural advantages first (or in this case just make it fair) and we won’t have to care so much what the right and right leaning independents think. The only reason we do is we have to win elections by like 15% of the nationwide popular vote right now to have any chance of getting anything done.

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I agree obv, just disagree it won’t be a huge rallying cry for the GOP in 2022. Seems pretty obvious now Manchin is not going to go for it so WAAF regardless.

Working hard, thank you!

ETA: BTW, great job screwing over your base, many of whom live in cities where 80k isn’t exactly “fuck you” money.