The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

If worst comes to worst hopefully shitlibs will get jailed first and we can all laugh about that.

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I thought all the Neera stuff was performative, but like, they actually care?

Wow thatā€™s pathetic and indescribably sad.

Look, itā€™s better for all of us if we work within the rules of the camp. There are reasonable, middle ground guards out there and we have to find decent compromises. Joe Manchin has said heā€™s open to the possibility of agreeing to begin discussions on daily beatings instead of twice daily beatings so long as camp production doesnā€™t suffer too greatly.



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Ok so Manchin got to flex some on something few people care about with Beers and score his ā€˜keeping dems in check schtickā€™. Now fucking vote yes on $15 and nuking fillibuster (if not completely then for Voting rights) you friggin weirdo.


He literally yelled NEVER at a reporter re filibuster, donā€™t get your hopes up


I guess at this point the only hope is that gop state legislatureā€™s get so high on their own supply and go overboard on voter suppression, judges uphold, and it compels them to nuke the filibuster. Iā€™m not optimistic.

But we should be rooting for the worst from the gop all at once. If they do it incrementally, they will 100% succeed.


if $15 in WV is so much more than $15 in seattle, thereā€™s very little sense for WV-inians to not want $15/hr. itā€™s like finally getting ahead compared to other states.

and if manchin was worried WV biz would go bankrupt, it simply a matter of subsidizing private enterprise to pay $15 during transition, similar to covid PPP bill. those who got forgivable loans did not regret it. and the system showed that it needs to target small biz with no accounting help, because even simply spending days on the paperwork turned out to be a huge barrier. thereā€™s prioritizing that can be written into legislation that will tip the benefits to go to small loans first.

start thinking of other carve outs to offer Manchin.

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Cinema is even worse than Manchin, she just talks less.


If itā€™s a $15 minimum wage phased in by 2025, then I would go for a compromise of $11 minimum wage by 2023 and campaign in the mid-terms on asking for a big enough majority to get the rest of the way.

Manchin believes in compromise and bipartisan ship. Unfortunately he actually means compromising only with republicans but standing in defiance of democrats.

Just like him saying he would NEVER nuke the filibuster, he has no real interest in what is good for other democrats or democratic voters or working towards real compromise.

The guy is completely worthless. Anything he does that might be viewed as positive is wholly incidental.

The only compromising he does with democrats is compromising anything that might be beneficial.

We love our consecutive grinning idiot geriatric presidents who donā€™t wear masks donā€™t we folks?


Might as well finish the Trump coup too, why not

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Jfc. If they donā€™t pass a new VRA itā€™s over. All
These bills in state houses and two fucking stolen SCOTUS seats.


Yeah Iā€™ve had a good amount of anxiety about this for a few weeks since seeing some of these state bills on voter suppression. And this is only a tiny start, itā€™s going to get so, so much worse. The base will demand they do everything to prevent dems from ever getting in power again.


Manchin was actually pleasantly outspoken about impeaching and convicting Trump. Much more than I would have expected from someone who is basically a republican at heart. I donā€™t remember Sinema being as gung ho about it.

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They arenā€™t passing the VRA and I would bet every dollar I have on that.


I donā€™t think heā€™s a Republican at heart. Heā€™s someone who has very firm boundaries, but he definitely believes things that no Republican would.

If someone who is neither a liberal Democrat nor a conservative Republican runs for office, which party should they be a member of?