The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK



Ehh, I donā€™t buy that. Thereā€™s always something going on behind the scenes.

As I was saying before this is as much on Biden as anyone else. The parliamentarian ruling against them was the end for them, they had zero intention of even trying to fight for it after that. They want to go back to norms etc, and Reps are going to shove it up their ass.

Going to the mat for Neera and not 15 min wageā€¦ just lol. We had like a good two weeks but weā€™re back to where most of us expected and it ainā€™t good.


Biden does not want an increase in the minimum wage. The behind the scenes dealing was the fact that he knew it would never happen, so he lied while campaigning. Except when he truthfully told his wealthy donors that he was lying to everyone else.


Guess Bernies gonna force a vote. How many dem votes do you think we get? 45?

Think we will get any Republicans who are trying to be populist to vote for it knowing itā€™ll fail?


What? This is fantastic politics and what weā€™ve been saying forever, force votes on skinny, popular bills and make them filibuster. Fucking Hawley might vote for this.

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Given that African-Americans make up 3 percent of the population of WVā€¦ Yeah, I doubt he cares.

Where did I say it wasnā€™t? I think its good to force people like Cinema and Manchin to get on the record as no on stuff with 70% support.

Yeah we might pick up a few Republicans, itā€™ll be interesting.

The IHRA definition of antisemitism is not particularly controversial except amongst the far-left, and far-right.

Bernie just the absolute GOAT, as always.


Bombing Syria
Opening up multiple child detention facilities
No minimum wage increase
And on and on and on

I felt like the last hopes we had as a country died on Super Tuesday. Iā€™d like to be wrong but things are trending in a bad direction. If we really donā€™t have 50 votes for raising the minimum wage then there is zero hope of anything meaningful getting passed ever.


No pressure/lobbying doesnā€™t mean no calls. Iā€™m guessing they asked him what he wants and he said there is nothing that can change his mind and they chose to take him at his word. Maybe respecting his beliefs makes it easier to sway him on things where he is willing to compromise on.

ahh yes far left groups like J Street which saw donations from its members of $264k to Joe Biden and more to other far left politicians like Katie Porter, Tom Malinowski, and Sara Gideon. Or maybe you mean Americans for Peace Now? Maybe Partners for Progressive Israel? Ahhh I know, itā€™s the Jewish Labor Committee which Iā€™m sure had some commies when they were founded in 1934 so they must be the far left you are referring to, right?


The WH knows Manchin is a twat. The best way to deal with him is to make him come to you.

No chance Manchin votes no on this bill if Dems force in the $15/min wage. Itā€™s got 70% approval among Americans. He isnā€™t going to be the single no vote tanking the bill.

He seems like the kind of man who becomes stubborn in the face of pressure. If thatā€™s what you want to do, then just present him with a vote without any lobbying or knowing which way he will go and leave it all up to him.

I think the country was fundamentally broken when Facebook/Trump shifted the Overton Window into the far-right stratosphere. We have been successfully propagandized into defending the tyranny of oligarchs - with the average person kept desperate enough to be afraid of change, but not desperate enough to rise up and create it. I donā€™t know that Iā€™ve fully given up yet, but Iā€™m not far off.


Itā€™s Kamalaā€™s time to shine if sheā€™s for $15/hour min wage

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These people are going to DRILL BABY DRILL just so they can get Neera fucking Tanden confirmed.

While $15 minimum wage dies.

Waste of oxygen. Fortunately when the Democrats get annihilated in 2022 and Trump wins in 2024 itā€™ll all be over anyway.