The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

John Brown

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This guy?

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That would be the article where I took the image from.

Yeah, but fuck those governors who kept states open.

Seems like an appropriate choice. He’s definitely worthy of admiration and he certainly seems like your kind of guy.

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Senate has given up on their alternative tax penalty plan to get around parliamentarian decision on minimum wage and will likely pursue a min wage increase through regular order (I.e. 60 votes) per CNN

This only makes sense if their plan is to use this as evidence of the need to nuke the filibuster.

I mean in theory a skinny min wage increase bill (and lets face it, it’ll be like $12 in 5 years because lol dems) which should have like 75% approval puts a ton of pressure on the Rs but on the other hand they’re completely shameless and we’re all fucked and fuck you.

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I honestly think the chances of nuking the filibuster are zero percent. They needed 53 seats minimum to make that a possibility. Just think they decided min wage increase too heavy of a lift for COVID bill for lol Dem reasons.

How does this help convince Manchin to end the filibuster? He hated the min wage increase and now doesn’t have to vote on it. In fact he can vote against it stand alone later “cost free” to bolster his centrism bonafides.


They won’t do a skinny bill because they never do when they should. I think a skinny would be great propaganda for house and senate races in 2022. Same reason they should have done a 2k checks and vaccine money clean bill immediately after impeachment while still working on reconciliation.

Skinny bills of super popular stuff that Reps would vote against is exactly what they should have been doing since before 2020 elections.

Even independents and dumb people who don’t pay attention to politics get super confused by convoluted bills which allows Reps to use talking points that make them think " both sides bad "


Not doing $2k checks when they have to use reconciliation anyways is so preposterous that I think I’m joining team bothsides.


Either we end the filibuster and pass HR1 before 2022 or we somehow maintain the house and get to 53 senate seats after 2022 because super popular reconciliation bills or we can just forget about dems holding a trifecta and doing anything for a decade plus.

As the poll above showed " election security " is now Republican voters #1 issue, which means we will see voter suppression on levels we haven’t seen since directly after the fall of reconstruction. Honestly we might not get power back in our lifetimes.

Once Republicans get Governorship in PA/WI/MI it’s GG democrats. And you know Republicans will pour everything into doing that and dems won’t.

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Yeah just a big, sad LOL at doing min wage as a messaging bill designed to fail with 45+ votes against, which is the obvious preordained outcome, even if they lower it to $11.

No person is out there waiting for the one silver bullet piece of evidence that proves Republicans don’t care about working people. Every persuadable voter knows that already. What will happen instead is that when the regular order bill fails under unified Democratic control, voters will correctly conclude that Democrats don’t care about working people. A meaningless show vote won’t convince them otherwise.


I don’t think this is really true. I saw TONS of the political uneducated commenting on the stimulus when dems and reps were negotiating and were blaming both sides for not coming to a deal. These were legit independent or even left leaning voters.

Tons of people blame both sides because dems are so bad at messaging.

I agree it’s disgusting they aren’t forcing it through here, but I also think a clean bill has lots of propaganda value after they don’t.

My bad figure you read my first post on the subject.

The politically uneducated get really confused by these convoluted bills and come out blaming both sides when it doesn’t get done.

Dems should have been doing clean bills for popular shit since forever and make GOP vote against it. The fact that they don’t is an extension of LOL dems and them being terrible at messaging.

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If I understand you right, I don’t agree with what you’re saying about the propaganda value of the regular order bill. That is the Dems’ thought process for sure, but I think your examples go to my view of it, which is that people are just going to understand it as “gridlock in Washington” both sides, and the finer points of every D voted for it, every R voted against it, will be buried under the raw fact that Dems had power, but nothing got done.

Rs can always just say “we wanted to raise it to X-1 dollars an hour, but radical Dems wouldn’t budge from X, which would bankrupt all our small businesses,” and that will already convince a huge number of low infos by playing into their preconceptions of both sides. Imo the only way to seriously move the needle is to actually do the fucking thing, and this is just politically, not even considering the clear morality of it.

Tons of people also blame both sides because tons of people are stupid and can’t be reached by good messaging.

I mean you might be right but they’ve never tried it so we will never know. Considering 70%+ support $15 min wage, and it passed 60% in FL, I think a clean bill will be hard to message against. They won’t go with $14, they will counter with like $11 and I think dems win that messaging battle big time.

I agree obviously the best thing is to actually pass shit, but if they can’t/won’t do that for whatever reason skinny bills of super popular shit is the next best thing.