The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

I agree except if we stopped funding those things I highly doubt our saved money would go to helping the homeless, M4A or anything similar.


Not sure why you would make such an obvious whiny post when you could be organizing but ok


Itā€™s a shit situation. It shows that the Cold War never really ended.

No doubt Russia or China will jump in and fill the power vacuum. If not them, then weā€™ll see groups like ISIL come back as they did when Obama pulled troops out of Iraq.

America is already in a weakened state compared to what we were before Trump. Only a matter of time before China becomes the dominant power in the world.

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I worry about China becoming more powerful, if only because I foresee the possibility that we may end up fighting a war over forcing Chinese compliance with initiatives to combat climate change.

Whatā€™s hilarious about it?

Chad thinks itā€™s more likely China will try to force the US to comply with climate change initiatives.


Canā€™t believe I went this long without such a concept

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There is a whole bit about pooping at work somewhere.

There is a name if a splash goes up and cleans you off.

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Those are called bidets.


That is likely true, and itā€™s not even the only reason the post was hilarious.

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What wookie said about the civil war, and we didnā€™t withdraw from Japan. We still have a massive military presence in Japan and Korea. We did do effective nation building though.

Meant to refer to nation building.

Weā€™re not so good at it now though.

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I find it odd that post got to you so damn much when you make so many posts attacking others.

Quit being such a baby.


My desire is for America to become a place where climate change is a sufficient priority where weā€™d be willing to go to war to force other countries to abide by international agreements.

The idea of going to war with China is within the context of shifting US priorities.

America is not capable of leadership. They need to be beaten into submission one way or another. Half of Americans donā€™t think climate change is real.

It was just a dumb thing to say and in the vein of what you called me out for, whereas you seethed for two hours before this lol comeback. Just leave me alone and stop responding to me

It didnā€™t ā€œget to me so god damn muchā€ youā€™re delusional if you think you can cry about the lack of M4A in a response to me and not expect me to laugh at you

I donā€™t want to maintain Middle East proxy wars in their current configuration. Iā€™d prefer to turn on the Saudis and ally with Iran.

Does it ever give you pause that all of your thoughts about how things should be are met with near universal slack-jawed incredulity?

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It gives me about as much pause as people who believe in abolishing the police are given pause when they encounter polls that say that less than 20% of Americans believe in that idea in the most extreme and literal sense of abolishing the police. Did encountering near-universal disagreement stop anyone from believing in abolishing the police?

I know people are going to disagree with me, but I also know why I believe what I believe.

Hereā€™s one thing Iā€™ve been meaning to ask, but I always forget. Who is the guy in your avatar?