The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

9 references to “Cinema” ITT is kinda driving me crazy tbh


What’s the ideal GOP starter pack?

Serious or not serious.

Here’s an example.


Had me wondering if I’d been misspelling the last name all along

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Nobody wants to remember how to spell her stupid last name. I want a bot that changes her name to cinema always.

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I think Chimera is a better fit.


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Exactly why I came up with it. Plus she deserves the disrespect

The presidency of senate parliamentarian Elizabeth MacDonough.


Biden is so eager nay desperate to help the poor and working class that he fell for the oldest trick in the book. Trying to become president when we all know the real power lies in this office that no one has ever heard of before.


How about Joseph Manchimera

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Secretary of Transportation ftw


Let’s impeach Biden for being doo doo

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Nothing will fundamentally change.


Pretty Sweet Summer Child take here, but it’s impossible to know how mad to be at Biden at this point. The full court press to end the filibuster, which frankly should be the only thing on the agenda once COVID relief passes, can only commence once GOP obstructionism grinds the Senate to a halt. We all know that’s a lock to happen but for infuriating reasons we just have to let it play out, then judge Biden on how forcefully and skillfully his administration pushes for reform.

Bad: “we should end the filibuster” speech accompanied by no plan

Good: apply pressure and horse trade, find ways for the DINOs to functionally nuke it while being able to say with a straight face they didn’t


AOC makes hating this admin fun again


“We need to do this with decorum and dignity. We need to trust in our institutions and walk in the footsteps of all those great Americans who came before us. Now is the worst time to turn our back on our country and what has made it great. We must double down on being as authentic as possible. We need to work together with our brothers and sisters across the aisle to create a better world for all Americans. If we give up on the institutions and processes, we give up on them. We must resist this urge to shortcut freedom and liberty. We must stand steadfast in the face of adversity and triumph over those who are trying to deceive us in failing ourselves.”

Good. I don’t want to be paying for those losers to get tested. Why can’t their employers foot the Bill.

The democrats do have a knack for uncovering absolute and unbreakable power in the most unlikely places.


If I were in charge I would figure out what popular issues the holdouts care about and bring those bills to the floor, along with the wildly popular shit the GOP is sure to block. Make the GOP do the talking filibuster. Use this as ammunition to message against the GOP who, democrats fail to emphasize enough, back a heinously unpopular policy agenda, and also convince and give cover to the holdouts. It really shouldn’t be that hard to say “we’re only ending the filibuster for voting rights,” especially when HR1 polls at like 70%, including 40%+ of Republicans.

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But they don’t want to

That’s the entire point of all this.