The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

We just don’t agree. They don’t want to pass a law that will help them retain power? Come on.

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Both parties want to obstruct

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After listening to majority report I’ve changed my position. They should force manchin and cenima to vote against the bill with 15 min wage. Even 60% of republicans support this bill so no way they vote no.

Lol dems


It will never get to the floor. I do support making the GOP do a talking filibuster, though. Aside from a tax bill and judges, the senate isn’t doing shit else until they deal with the filibuster.

This is really fucking bad and there is simply no defending it.


It’s just proof these eDems have no intention of going after Trump or holding him accountable.

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Bombings. Failure to raise the minimum age. Not holding countries accountable for blatant acts of state-directed murder.

This is the kind of crap that’s going to get us right back where we were four years ago.


EVERY House R voted against Covid relief.

Dems will fuck this up.

Bill has 70%+ approval, incredible. They won’t lose a single voter either. Republicans really do have it made.


Could’ve sworn that Biden cut support for bombing Yemen earlier.

Beyond saying fuck you Saudi Arabia and bailing entirely on the ME, what else can they do?

Exactly! Everything’s fixed!


Supposedly he is going to encourage the king to prevent MBS from succession.

Makes you wonder what kind of policies there would be if we weren’t addicted to oil.


When was the last time Americans got a rise in the minimum wage, was it when it was put in a war package?

And JB couldn’t even do that.


Joe Biden supports a minimum wage increase and blaming him for its exclusion from the COVID bill is dumb.

The fundamental problem is that there are not enough Democrats in Congress. There are a lot of reasons for this but the two biggest factors are gerrymandering and the undemocratic nature of the Senate which, like many things in America, is rooted in racism.

I can forgive the Democrats for not passing progressive legislation with infuriatingly obtuse people like Cinema (no I’m not looking up how to spell it). I cannot forgive them having the opportunity to reform a rigged system and refusing to do so.

Pass the god damn voting rights bill and add DC as a state. It isn’t hard.


Diplomacy is back for Kings and Cop murderers…

With that logic, every capital rioter should be let free, after all JB needs to be non-partisan.

What if I told you the voting rights act is just another norm. :wink: