The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

They definitely do not get it. They’re in a bubble where they are constantly reassured that rules and norms and processes and technocratic governance structures are Big Important Ideas and, by extension, they themselves are Gatekeepers with Purpose.


A few people, Schumer included, talk like they get it. He has said a few times he knows our future democracy is on the line HR1 is the next bill they’re voting on from what I read so they realize it’s important. If there is a path to them passing it, it would be to try and pass it via 60 votes, not getting a single Republican vote, and trying to convince Manchin/Cinema to do some varied form of getting rid of the filibuster. Like allowing extra debate for a week or two and then eventually you can pass something with 50 votes.

It’s an underdog for sure, but I have some hope. Cinema would have to be stupid as fuck not to be on board, she will not win re-election without it.

I can see Dems passing some sort of voting rights legislation, but not in time to affect 2022.

Seems like a good idea.

Soon after that should be convincing Breyer to step down.

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I was in favor of Trump bombing Syria in response to those gas attacks as well, if you go back and look at my posts.

I have always been confused by these non-partisan positions. How exactly are you supposed to reliably identify someone who is highly non-partisan? Moreover, who is even in the running for parliamentarian that hasn’t picked a side?


I’m not convinced if they had 59 seats they would get anything done.

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Fucking idiots

So, it seems Manchin and Sinema are less progressive than Josh Hawley:

Me either, but they’re also doing a bunch of stuff they’ve never done before as well. It’s possible they just see Manchin et al as an out, maybe even likely, but it’s possible they see the writing on the wall, I mean they have too it’s so obvious,I doubt they want to be locked out of power for a decade plus, who the hell knows how far the Republican party will go in that case. How far their insane base will push them.

And how are they likely to be qualified to do the job required as their position by its nature is steeped in a lot of necessary ignorance.

The charitable view (which I don’t agree with) is that they are going to make the GOP block literally everything that isn’t reconciliation in order to convince the holdouts to nuke the filibuster.

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I’m not sure what’s confusing about it. If my job was to be a parliamentarian, I could compartmentalize my partisanship and offer a non-partisan opinion that opposes what I wish would happen. I could easily imagine myself giving exactly the same ruling on the minimum wage. Yes, people have opinions, but the people who can do this job are the people who can set those aside. Those people exist in addition to the ones who legitimately don’t care which side wins.

The parliamentarian is usually promoted from assistant parliamentarian and has usually had over a decade of proving themselves in that role.


If you go to Manchin and Cinema and they’re 100% honest with you. You ask them how can you not get around the filibuster to pass HR1 seeing the current laws gerrymandered states are putting into place? Knowing it will prevent democrats from holding a majority in either house or the presidency for at least a decade? That the 30-40% will rule the country for the foreseeable future, with a party and a base that is getting so unhinged you could not even begin to predict how out of control they will be pushed if they have power for that long?

Do you think they don’t think that would happen? That they don’t really give a shit? It’s all naked self interest?

If you hate taxes but love gay people then you’re non partisan.


Naked self interest for the donor class as well as Manchin and Cinema is strongly on the side of passing HR1.

It’s probably time to pack it in tbh