The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

I thought the thread title really was funny, then I caught up on the thread and see that most of the posts are indeed about Manchin.

So what I’m saying is it’s time for us to start coming up with some proper Manchin puns.

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Dems are gonna need 53+ seats to really get shit done, not sure it’s possible with these incoming voting laws.

All things being equal I think they’d have a great 2022. 3 good reconciliation bills would be the most gov has done for people since lbj, but these new voting laws are brutal.

I’m really hoping someone gets through to manchin and cinema that either pass hr1 or democracy is over and cinema never wins again.

They don’t need to fully nuke the filibuster but do some tweaks that allows for lots of debate then pass with 50+1 votea

Out of curiosity, did the parliamentarian rule that min wage could not be raised in any reconciliation bill or that it could not be done in this one? I’m aware the problem is more with Manchin, Sinema, et al, but I’d still like to know whether the next reconciliation bill could have $13 or whatever the “moderates” would find tolerable.

I am not good at expressing outrage like Riverman, but I’m quite disgusted with this. It is fundamentally indecent to tell people their full time labor is not worth a subsistence wage. You can’t hide behind “ the broader economy” any more; everyone sees through it. The only argument is contempt for these workers.

Funny coincidence happened yesterday at my job. I’m in charge of managing awards to students for my department. We had an award where the rules as written disqualified the clear best student on a technicality. So we voted, and it was unanimous (iirc 35/35) to just ignore the technicality and give the student the thing they clearly deserved. It’s that easy, when you actually have the will to do the right thing.


I get the mechanism of why the parliamentarian ruled against it but the labor rate of employees seems very relevant to a budget even if its effect is insignificant

The short answer is that the ruling was that a straight minimum wage increase is not eligible for the reconciliation process. So this bill, or any bills they want to run through reconciliation in the future can’t include a provision to increase the wage (to $10, $11, $15, whatever).

The longer answer is that if you really wanted to play hardball and get creative, there might be some way of rewriting the provision where, instead of just saying, “the minimum wage is now X” you say something like, "any company who pays any employee below X must pay Y in additional taxes (or is not entitled to a particular tax cut). It’s a kludge, but it would generate a clearer budgetary impact, so it could get by the parliamentarian. My guess is that they don’t want to pick that fight right now, and they’d rather just dump the pay hike in order to pass the overall package ASAP.


It’s kinda heartbreaking how many dems I see blaming biden for how long this taking instead of realizing how important Congress is. Still people legit only think of the president.

Somehow the dumbshit Republican voters get this and dems dont


While I get that they just don’t have the votes, I think this is an issue worth forcing to an actual filibuster. They are only going to pass 2 bills a year, may as well make the GOP get up and read the phone book for a few weeks to oppose full time workers not living in poverty. Ditto Mitt’s child credit plan. Democrats seem to be unaware of how wildly popular these policies are.

Basically this.


The ruling is obviously bullshit. The choice, Republican lead, legit came out and said it effects the budget


So what are the odds dejoy gets fired? I’m not as optimistic as I should be

Yeah, this. There’s just no way to effectively run against it.

Here’s how the GOP dealt with the parliamentarian:

do you think this is actually the parliamentarian or a cover for the fact they don’t have 50 votes?

The word “large” is doing an epic amount of work in that tweet.

While they don’t have the votes to overrule it, it seems highly unlikely the DINOs would vote no on a $2T pandemic relief bill with 70+% support over the minimum wage.

More generally, the democratic base is fucking desperate for their side to fight, for once. Really bad look paying off all kinds of D special interests while doing close to nothing for tens of millions of working poor people.