The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

You can really tell they give no fucks about even appearing human anymore, and are counting exclusively on gerrymandering and voter supressing their way back to power.

“Hitler decries Adenauer‘s treatment of Jewish people.”


That’s a great way to get only people you don’t want there to run for congress.

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It was more of a random thought than a serious policy proposal. However, let’s say min wage was $15/hr, that would mean a 4x multiple would be $60/hr or around $120k/yr. I’m curious as to how that would cause only people you don’t want there to run for congress? I guess I’m thinking of the cool community activists I know that are all making less than that, and I’d love for them to be in congress rather than the people who currently are.

If 120k is their ceiling for maybe decades then you will have primarily independently wealthy people running for congress (and nutjobs).

I guess I have quite a few people in mind who currently make less than $120k who would be huuuuuge upgrades over the current congress members. Plus they could double the cap on their future annual earnings by doubling the minimum wage.

What’s keeping them from running now?

Well then… I’d like to meet this model


Various structural, systemic, and personal reasons present obstacles to them running for office. There is far more corrective action needed to improve upon the status quo. My idea is basically a riff on proposals that I’ve seen that tie CEO pay to that of the lowest paid employee.

This is already the case.

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Seems to be glossing over something:

It’s especially weird because they declassified the report saying he was responsible for Khashoggi today.

Nobody ever says Texas#1 (maybe Joe Rogan)

GG judges

Trump appointee.

Doesn’t really go into why just the judge’s glib, “The pandemic is still a thing so is the constitution blah blah blah blah”


Fire her. They won’t.

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Yeah this is silly. They have total control over this.

And you are right, they won’t do anything but put their hands in their pockets, kick a rock and say “Aww shucks we tried”.

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Absolutely zero people care about the norm here, like literally nobody. Let’s play “what would the Republicans do.” MUH NORMS while being led to the gulag, absolute imbeciles.


Well I bet Manchin might vote no on reconciliation if they fired them, but that is just a hunch.

I still remember not that long ago how this was a non issue because the parliamentarian literally worked for them.

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It’s DOA, they don’t have the votes to sustain even if VP overrules. I get it. Just really really sucks. This is 32 million people. So shameful and infuriating.

Basically this

And this

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