The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

The government of the United States can outbid the billionaires if it wants to. That’s what I think it should do. Definitely easier than clearing every self interested POS out of Washington by magic.

Biden’s CIA nominee took a super bowl trip from
Saudi Arabia. Yikes


I’ve been looking into the abandoned mine land reclamation fees. They are a fee paid by coal mining companies on a per-ton basis to pay for reclamation of mines that were abandoned before 1977. The original legislation was set to expire in 1992, but has been extended several times. If the program is not reauthorized, the remaining funds are supposed to be disbursed.

Some of the interest earned by the Abandoned Mine Reclamation Fund gets transferred to United Mine Workers of America benefit plans for retired coal workers. This decreases and eventually goes away if the fee expires and they start disbursing the fund, which seems to have over $2 billion right now. I wonder how important preserving this funding is to Manchin’s desire to extend the Abandoned Mine Land fees.

How did that get through vetting? Jesus.

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We know this because he disclosed it in a questionnaire submitted to the Intelligence Committee before his confirmation hearing. He received the gift while president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. It was a group trip, so I wonder who else was on that trip. I assume that this was known when the Biden team was vetting him.

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And now I’m wondering if there’s anyone qualified to run the gags CIA who the Saudi’s haven’t already at least gotten a bit muddy.

I really really passionately hate the Saudi’s lol. Some of the worst people on Earth.

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Yeah Manchin is supporting all this things without hesitation on bizarro world.

This is not an honest take on his behavior.

Unless you just conveniently ignore the things he doesn’t vote with or requires substantial extortion.

And I don’t blame Manchin, I blame anyone and everyone counting on his vote for stuff or trying to win his favor.

Manchin is a necessary evil for now. And I’m certain he is better than the Trumper alternative.

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This tweet kind misrepresents the situation slightly

The tweet with the criticism is the one from below unless there was another one I didn’t see

She’s not criticizing the price raise Manchins daughter made unless I’m reading it wrong

lol dejoy


Nordic model sucks for sex work!

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On the plus side of the Biden presidency, at least I no longer have to live with the shame and stigma (lol) of living in an “anarchist jurisdiction” (whatever the hell that is).

Biden officially undoes Trump’s designation of Seattle as an ‘anarchist jurisdiction’

Five months after former President Donald Trump’s administration dubbed Seattle, New York and Portland as “anarchist jurisdictions” that permit “violence and destruction of property,” President Joe Biden revoked the label on Wednesday.

Trump’s label, issued last September in the heat of the presidential campaign, carried with it the threat that the administration could use it as part of a push to withhold federal funding. It also came at a time when Trump’s presidential campaign was increasingly focused on protests and riots in liberal cities, like Seattle, Portland and New York.




“If people don’t want to take children let’s keep shovelling cash at them until they do” is the dictionary definition of for-profit child detention.

The best solution would probably be non-profit organisations jointly running a not-for-profit center with good conditions and facilities, but that’s never going to happen because it’s a PR nightmare.

Hopefully Mitch bought a pink Cadillac.


Thanks for your posts on the subject of how to house, what’s best for the kids. Liked your analogy of the domestic kid travelling to his uncle’s, particularly poignant. Can you point me in the direction of people with this philosophy/mindset regarding immigration policy that I can read? Is your framing of the issue a widely held belief of immigration experts that want to do right by the kids?

Ethicist/humanitarian weighs in on Biden policy: