The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Sounds accurate. It’s also why we shouldn’t be that mad at Manchin. He’s doing his job, and well. It’s our fault we didn’t win more Senate seats. I’m not sure what we expect when we can’t get a more leftist Senator than Difi out of CA.


Can he be booted from the party? Let him independent if he’s not going to be on board with policies that benefit his own constituents and see how it goes.

I mean Manchin is an idiot if he doesn’t realize his days as a senator in WV are over after his next election after voting to impeach Trump twice. Fucking Republicans voting to impeach are getting censured etc. All Manchins opponent has to do is hammer that shit and he’s toast.

I think its more likely Manchin is sticking to his political beliefs than trying to campaign. If he’s doing all this for his chance at re-election… lol him. He should just yolo it up as his last term and do as much good as he can and get as much as he can.

Honestly without Manchin we aren’t getting a single fucking person confirmed for any position or literally anything done so we can’t really do that.

I mostly agree with @Riverman when he says don’t really pay attention to what Manchin says. He always says a lot of dumb shit then votes how we need him too usually.

You know how much we hate Susan Collins? He’s our Susan Collins.

This is a fucking horrible take. You know that stimulus bill, that’s happening right now? Yeah, that’s because Manchin caucuses with the dems and voted for Schumer. You know all the Biden appointments that are happening right now? Yeah, Manchin. You know all the judicial nominees we’re going to need to fill in the next 2 years? Yeah, they’re getting a vote because of Manchin. Like it or not, Manchin gives us the majority right now. Booting him from the party would be lol bad fuckign terrible.


I don’t think Manchin is as doneso as you do. He’s the democratic version of Susan Collins. West Virginians eat his shit up. Plus next time he gets to run in a presidential election year when an incumbent dem is up for re-election and Trump is probably not gonna be on the ballot. 4 years is a long time in politics and i doubt the “voted to impeach trump 4 years ago” is going to be the litmus test in 2024 that you think it will be.

It sucks that we have to deal with Manchin, but he is not to blame here.

You want to blame people?

How about the voters in Maine and Iowa for giving Collins and Ernst another 6 years?
How about the idiot in North Carolina who lost a winnable race by not keeping his dick in his pants?
How about Claire McCaskill and Joe Donnelly for sucking, and then not even getting re-elected in 2018?
How about Sinema, who is as bad as Manchin without the excuse of being from a R+20 state?
How about everyone involved with the top-to-bottom asskicking that Democrats got in 2016?

These people are the reason Manchin has so much power.


No dude you’re wrong about this. WV belongs to the WV political machine and they will send the politician they want to send to Washington. They’ll use all kinds of bullshit tactics to make sure his competitor doesn’t win.

I know it’s weird, but this is how political machines work and beating them is insanely difficult.

Jim Justice is the governor and I guarantee you that Manchin and Justice have been great friends for decades.

I agree that his vote is super important. You also wrote, that I tend to agree with

If this is what he’s doing, then it shouldn’t matter if he’s a party member or not. He’s going to roll how he rolls. It’s super frustrating to not have the coalition within your party that the GOP has largely had.

No, it mattes because the caucus that has the majority sets the agenda. None of the democratic shit even gets to a vote if Manchin isn’t a dem.

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I wrote up a bunch of stuff in the Leftist Meme Thread of all places about all this due to my sister and her husband both being immigration attorneys. I’m actually gonna see her in a few hours, do you have any specific questions?

p.s. btw my sister is a communist who believes in open borders BUT she also says Obama’s handling of the situation given the range of practical options was actually really good if not great, one of the few things she wasn’t disappointed with, so there’s a lot of stuff the layperson doesn’t really understand it seems.


I laugh every time someone makes this point and gets immediately rebuffed WERE BETTER OFF WITHOUT HIM

people on the internet man, it’s as simple as without him we don’t get anything in a literal sense.

I was pretty sure manchin would confirm haaland, people get all in a tizzy on everything too fast these days, even trump some of that shit he was just shitposting.

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I’ve said similar things before. The POTUS can’t do everything. But it doesn’t help them do better when all their fans just post propaganda photos, talk about how much better it is than Trump and tell people that say they don’t like it that they are being unrealistic.

so I clicked on that, there’s lots of words but no plan whatsoever of how to actually go about it

they should be in business

Dude people who voted to impeach Trump are legit considered traitors to the majority of the Republican party. Did you see how much shit Romney got the first time? I mean fucking Liz nearly got booted out of power over it and they had to do a secret vote. Going against Trump is a death blow in this party now.

Not to mention Manchin will be the deciding vote on a ton of liberal judges.

As it gets closer I’m absolutely willing to do bets on this.

The conversation is one of those that reeeeally turns in to a black hole of stupidity really fast. Like I said in the meme thread, if we built a wall and put mines in front of that wall and guns on that wall, there’d never be another so-called illegal crossing nor detained kid. But that’s not really the solution right? So reducing the conversation to a buzzword like ‘kids in cages’ and assessing that number to be unacceptable is just absurd.

The problem you address is that people always couch what they really believe under the guise of what’s practically feasible or not. Like, we’re not children, we know what’s unrealistic, but it will continue to be unrealistic if our opponents actually want the realistic thing but won’t admit such. I don’t know a solution to this problem.

It cuts both ways as well. I believe in open borders but a great many critics of USA#1’s policies actually don’t, not seeming to admit that if you have a border, you will have people detained at that border, even if it’s just 20 minutes to full out some paperwork whilst they sip on a cool beverage.


I guess my general question is how these unaccompanied kids get to these places in the first place? Like, what steps in the process would be easiest/most feasible to change to avoid needing these holding facilities?

Let me be clear, I am not talking about the ICE separation camps.

With respect to Representative Haaland and her confirmation hearing, while we do not agree on every issue, she reaffirmed her strong commitment to bipartisanship, addressing the diverse needs of our country and maintaining our nation’s energy independence. Her colleagues on both sides of the aisle, including Republican Congressman Don Young from the energy rich state of Alaska, spoke to their productive working relationship, her bipartisan accomplishments and sincere willingness to work collaboratively on important issues. In addition, she reiterated the position of the Biden Administration that our country will continue to use fossil fuels for years to come, even as we transition to a cleaner energy future, through innovation not elimination. Further, she made clear her commitment to working to extend the critical Abandoned Mine Land fees set to expire this year that impact countless states.

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“countless states”?