The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

Median salary in MLB is $4.43 million. You characterize that as “not very high” rather than your 0%? Nothing is either zero or 100 if you want to be literal. Both are zero if you want to be a little loose. And you think the left will be the only ones who object to a $4.43M salary for people in congress. That has to be bad faith.

Make it so they only get the base benefits and compensation.

Paid time off would skyrocket. Health insurance would be Golden. Vacation would be 12 weeks a year.

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Obviously it gets resisted heavily by the Chamber of Commerce types as well. They lose their ability to buy legislators.

That’s why the left has to be fully on board and pushing for it hard. They need to be a major driving force to even have a prayer of getting it done.

There are 535 members of the house and the senate. What I’m describing costs 2.4B a year rounding up. AKA a rounding error in context.

Just to add some data to this:

Most of these children arrive to the United States planning to reunite with sponsors — usually relatives or friends of the family. Office of Refugee Resettlement case managers work with the children to identify and conduct background checks on the sponsors. If cleared, children are released to live with them while they go through the immigration court process.

HHS said its goal is that children will remain at Carrizo for about 30 days, though they are coming from at least two weeks of quarantine at other Office of Refugee Resettlement facilities in the region. The average stay for children in custody across its facilities is 42 days. In the 2020 fiscal year, migrant children spent an average of 102 days in federal government custody, according to HHS.)


Owns the government.


No. Isn’t everyone sick of this nonsense that rich people can’t be bought?

Those damn liberals, always wanting to enact liberal policies!


what is he talking about, tunnel for pelosi and bridge for schumer?

Money for schools where 2/3rds can’t be spent all the way until 2023!!! The outrage.

You’ll notice that they spent 82M on lobbying in 2020 and I’m advocating bidding 2.4B. I’m counting on the idea that rich people can be bought actually. I just need them to take their money directly instead of by trading their own account while in office.

This exact thing has happened before and been solved this way to good effect. You can’t not pay powerful people, but you can choose how to pay them.

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I mean there are absolutely going to be a lot of give aways in this bill like there is in every bill. Just like there were massive ones in both other stimulus bills

That said infrastructure is almost always good.

Surprised the right isn’t attacking Manchin more for going along with radical socialist policies or whatever, might crack under enough pressure.

Where? Rich people can take both the high salary and the kickbacks.

This actually has been addressed very well. The US does not rank well in this sort of thing. Finland does.

eta: Finland ranked #3 - Denmark #1

Apparently the tunnel is $112M towards expanding BART.

eta: $1.5M for a bridge in NY (probably just minor repair for that amount)

I’ve been saying for awhile we should just copy the nordic model on basically everything. We can tweak bugs that come out due to culture after.


There do seem to be a lot of non-covid things in the bill.

$200M for the Institute of Museum and Library Services
$270M to the NEA
$128B for k-12 education
$86B towards pensions
$852M for AmeriCorps

But, I guess it’s supposed to be a general stimulus bill in covid times and not just a covid-specific relief bill.

The school money is the State and Local funding the Dems have been fighting for.


I mean he’s not even a Democrat and the Democrats aren’t all that great. He’s one of the two senators from the WV political machine and I guess we should be grateful they want a guy on each side.

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Sounds like the WV political machine understands that the Dems/GOP are better understood as two factions of the same business + MIC party, and they may as well collect the spoils of the budget battles either way.