The Presidency of the Joes: more like INFRASTRUCTURE WEAK

$15/hr in WV is equivalent to $43/hr in NYC. Manchin is incapable of understanding that $11 outside of his shithole state is more like $4 to the developed parts of the country.


Isn’t there some sort of compromise with a variable minimum wage based on cost-of-living? I could live with the minimum wage being $11 in West Virginia and $15 in New York City.


I’d be interested in the policy but $30k/yr doesn’t seem unreasonable for full time work in any part of the US.


Would this be any different than having no federal minimum wage and just letting states/counties/cities do what they want?

I’d rather the simplicity of $15/hr everywhere rather than introducing other complications, but if we want to go that route we could use something like GSA’s locality adjustments to government salaries–though they’ve only got a 15% increase going from bumfuck nowhere to NYC, which seems low to me.

States and local government wouldn’t be given the option to have an increased minimum wage in their areas.

I’d rather have it the same everywhere, but I would rather be more complicated if it means getting Manchin’s vote for something more than $11/hour across the country.

Don’t know if this is a hot take or not, but exactly zero political capital should be used trying to convince Manchin to change his mind here.

100% of it should be used trying to get him (and others like him) to get rid of the filibuster to get HR1 passed.


What if there is 0% chance of getting him to flip on the filibuster?

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Yep I like this.

$15 now isn’t even $7.25 in 1992 - and that didn’t tank the US economy. No one should be afraid of $15 even in the poorest parts of the US.


If it’s literally zero, then of course you give up and get what you can.

But really, HR1 is the key to having a chance of not having Joe Manchin types have us by the balls every time the Democrats are in the majority.


before looking it up, guess what % of american workers make $7.25/hour?

15 bucks is low enough that it won’t be making much of a difference. It’s a solid popular political win with little downside. It’s a no brainer

I looked so I won’t say. I did see that 42% or so are making less than $15/hour. That is a huge travesty and will be a ton of money that will all go back into the economy.

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There is no such thing as a low stress minimum wage job.


Such as?


I worked a bunch of low wage jobs and every one was way harder and more stressful than my current job.


The people that have been there won’t receive a pay raise and they will resent the new hires that are making the same as them or sometimes even more.

Instead of organizing and demanding better wages they will create a toxic work environment towards new people.


What’s wrong with giving them court dates to appear? A lot of them might have viable asylum claims and court dates could actually help get them out from the shadows and able to have a normal life.

What’s worse is that Manchin thinks he is qualified to decide that $11 is okay but $15 is a bridge too far.

I guarantee that there is zero chance Manchin could successfully defend this position under proper questioning.

Manchin is a both-sidsing, middling, compromising bag of crap.